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Director of Ground Operations

Captain M.A. Gitt


Dear Jack: 

Last week, June 8, 1949, I departed from Syracuse northbound on Trip 72, ship #21751. Shortly after take-off I got a strong whiff of gasoline fumes in the cockpit and I immediately returned to Syracuse and landed. With the cooperation of Ward's Air Service mechanic we were able to determine that the gasoline fumes were leaking wobble pump.

The determination of the trouble was simple, but it was not so simple to make necessary repairs. It was quite an involved job. It required, among other things, the removal of a stress plate on the under side of the center section. Actually, there was well over a hundred screws. The complete job was done in just under three hours. No doubt a mechanic with DC-3 experience might have completed the job in less time, but I do think three hours was not too bad.

My purpose in writing this letter is not to tell you how much trouble I had but to give you a heartfelt word of praise to the good efforts of your situation personnel who unfailingly are ever present, especially when we run into trouble operating our airplanes. I would like to particularly thank Ed Bristol at Syracuse, who dug right into the job, helped locate the trouble and worked with tools, etc. on the airplane to get us out as quickly as we did. I always knew Ed to be a capable and willing worker but it is when the unusual occurs, that is when you appreciate the guy most. On my next trip to Syracuse I will surely bring him some cigars; perhaps in that way I can compensate him for getting oil and grease on his shirt and trousers.

Jack, I just thought you might like to know how things are handled along the line when the operation departs from routine. It is a time like this that the pilots appreciate the extra cooperation they get from station personnel. 

Sincerely yours, 

Micheal A. Gitt

cc: Mr. B.T. Dykes