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[[image - photograph]]

Fashions in airplanes have changed in 20 years...and so have fashion in feminine attire. Both are sleeker and more graceful today, but in July, 1929, the planes and attire pictures in this column were the fashions in both as TWA - then Transcontinental Air Transport - inaugurated its first regularly-scheduled cross-country flight.

It was just like old times for Gloria Swanson (top photo) when the actress recently rechristened the original Ford Tri-Motor Transport which inaugurated transcontinental air travel. [[image - photograph]] At the bottom in Miss Swanson, flanked by officials of the Transcontinental Air Transport System, as she approached the Ford to christen it before its maiden flight 20 years ago.

[[image - photograph]]
A Ford Tri-motor aircraft in flight]]

Yes, indeed, the styles have changed in two decades and every indication is that they will keep on changing just as they always have. Today  it is 300-mile-an-hour living and flying; jet propulsion, according to the latest news dispatches, promises to make in an even 500 miles and hour by 1952, if not earlier; and in another decade the speed of sound in commercial air transportation is not impossible.

New Council at Buffalo

Another new council, Capital Airlines Buffalo, has recently been set up by the Headquarters' Council Coordination and Administration Department, bringing to 95 the total of ALPA Local Councils now in existence.

[[Image - logo]] 
Imagine That! By the Airline Pilots


"I'll so it yet," mutters the AIR LINE PILOT's Associate Editor E. C. Modes through lips swollen with fatigue as he emerges form the darkroom after days without food, drink, or burlesque shows. "I vow by all the underexposures, overexposures and no exposures that I'll do it yet."

"Do what?" queried his anxious assistants. "I'll take a picture," vowed Modes, "s'help me, I'll take a picture, I'll develop it and I'll even publish it in the AIR LINE PILOT, the gods being willing and the pilots patient. I've been challenged. I shall struggle relentlessly, tirelessly and on - well, damn it all I'll work like hell - until success is in my grasp and then I shall say to all my tormentors - principally one Editor Behncke - take that and that and that and I'll wave the picture in front of his eyes like that and that and that. No one is going to big-bad-wolf me. I am a very determined guy and if Doc Fenwick's blood pressure instrument doesn't blow a fuse I'll have my day of gloating." Whereupon Editor Behncke unsheathed is trusty Brownie box camera and snapped a picture of Modes, in the throes of a speed graphic hangover, tattered, worn and blinded by days in the darkroom in a terrific bout with the mysteries of darkroom chemistry, and here it is 

[[image - photograph]]

- the look of a determined man. Or, is he suffering from "chemicalitis"? Editor's note to our three readers: Watch the succeeding issues of the AIR LINE PILOT for what will go down in history as the ninth wonder of the world - a picture taken and developed exclusively by Modes and copyrighted by Shutter Failures Anonymous. But in the interim, pay your annuities promptly for time and tide wait not even for Modes and may yet be the winner. 


Possibly man could live twice as long if he didn't spend the first half acquiring habits that shorten the other half. 


During the war, many a G.I spent a lot of time dreaming about a fur-lined foxhole. And a bathtub - just as any old thing that would hold water and a man at the same time - was a prize possession everywhere from Kunming to Berlin. Now we know why the fur-lined foxholes were never found. There just wasn't any fur. It all went to line the bathtubs that weren't. But now, how times have changed. Not only have the bathtubs and fur shown up, but what every ex-G.I. will immediately recognize as another scarce commodity has shown up along with it. It may be cold outside, as the song goes, but Audri Adams, a model, has her fur to keep her warm as she publicizes a Chicago fur fashion show by bathing in a leopard skin lines bathtub in a hotel penthouse. 

[[image - photograph]]

It's enough to cause anyone to have spots before their eyes. No doubt we could go on and on expounding on the advantages of such a setup, but, if you'll pardon a pun, what 'fer'? 


Of all the labor-saving devices invented for women none has ever been so popular as a husband with plenty of money

"Oh boy!" cried the Russian genius, who had got hold of an American mail-order catalogue. "Look at all these wonderful things to invent."

There are over 1,000 women who have taken up the law. The other 50 million are laying down.

Social hygienists recommend that we talk with our children about sex without being embarrassed. We should put and a bold front and pretend we know just as much about it as they do.

August, 1949     Page 15