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Aerial photography at 1,000 miles an hour is the unusual feat demonstrated by this picture and diagram which explains how it was accomplished. The photo at the right - that of an F-80 jet fighter - is the one that was made at that speed in a test of a new reconnaissance camera that has no shutter but receives the image of the target on a long strip of film. The diagram at left shows how the 1,000 MPH speed was achieved. Camera plane (top) traveled at 500 miles an hour and the target plane below at a similar speed. When the plane crossed through the cone forming the field covered by the camera, the 500 plus 500 gave the 1,000 MPH speed.

center, the board bends in the center and a small board would even break. If the blocks are distributed more evenly so that two blocks are at the center and one block nearer each end where the men are supporting the board, the load on each man has not changed but the board does not bend nearly as much. If the blocks are divided so that two blocks are at each end where the board is being supported, the total load again has not changed, but in this case the board does not bend any more than it would if no blocks were being carried on it. In other words the total weight lifted is equal to 200 pounds of blocks plus the weight of the board, and by distribution of the blocks on the board the total weight remains the same but the chance of breaking the board is reduced.

Depends on Distribution-Therefore, the net load that the board itself must be able to carry depends on the manner in which the blocks are distributed. Similarly the net load that the wing structure must carry is dependent upon the proportion of the total airplane weight contained in the wings themselves and is equal to that total air load minus the total wing weight load, or the gross weight of the complete airplane minus the weight of the wing and contents.

In conclusion it can be seen that if an airplane weighs 45,000 pounds and each wing weighs 12,500 pounds the total gross weight of the airplane would be 70,000 pounds. From a proportion standpoint that would mean that the wing weight divided by the airplane gross weight would be 25,000 over 70,000 or 35.7%. If 10,000 pounds of fuel were burnt out of the wings the ratio of total wing weight to the new gross weight of the airplane would be 15,000 over 60,000 or 25%. 

The point of this study in percentages shows that increasing in fuel carried increases the gross load but does not increase the load that the wing structure must transfer to the fuselage. Since the weight of the lifting body - the wing - 
increase directly while the weight of the object to be lifted, the fuselage, does not increase, the accelerating loads that the airplane may encounter have a reduced effect on wing stresses. In brief, this means that permissible speeds may be increased as fuel is added and as fuel load is reduced after take-off or fuel consumption permissible speed must be reduced. 


A steady increase in the use of electricity in commercial type planes was forecast by Marsden H. Peairs, Douglas Aircraft Co. equipment engineer, who said the new Douglas DC-6 will generate enough electricity to illuminate and run the equipment in 30 six-room houses.

For Air Safety --- H.R. 5561

(Continued from Page 2)

Air Safety Board by Reorganization Plan Numbered IV, which became effective on June 30, 1940, are hereby transferred to the Air Safety Board. Any personnel transferred by this section which the Air Safety Board finds to be in excess of the personnel necessary for the administration of its functions shall be retransferred under existing law to other positions in the Government or separated from the service. 

(b) Such of the unexpended balances of appropriations as the Director of the Bureau of the Budget shall determine to have been available for use by the Civil Aeronautics Board in the exercise of the transferred functions referred to in subsection (a), shall be available for use by the Air Safety Board in connection with the exercise of its functions.

(c) Rules and regulations issued in the exercise of the transferred functions referred to in subsection (a), and in effect on the effective date of this section, shall, except to the extent modified or made inapplicable by the Act, or modified or rescinded by the Air Safety Board, continue in effect as though this Act had not been enacted. 

SEC. 4. The provisions of this Act shall not have the effect of terminating any aircraft accident investigation pending before the Civil Aeronautics Board, but any such investigation shall be continued by the Air Safety Board. 

SEC. 5. The amendment to title VII of the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938, as amended, made by the first section of this Act, insofar as it provides for the creation of the Safety Board and for the appointment and compensation of the members thereof, shall take effect on the date of the enactment of this Act. All the other provisions of such amendment, and sections 2, 3, and 4 of this Act, shall take effect on the day after three members of such Board shall have been appointed and shall have taken office.


Jim Ryan, chief test pilot for Piasecki Heliocopter Corp., is the man to whom goes credit for having performed the first known loop made in a helicopter. He looped while testing the craft for gravity pulls. Ryan made several dives to get up to the required test figure and on the third dive applied full controls which put the fast ship into a vertical position, nose up. To recover normal position, he had to go through with a loop.

JUNE, 1949       PAGE 11