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A Salute to Trans-Canada

[[image - photograph]]
Stewardesses Linda Slaght and Gerrie Barker of Trans-Canada Air Lines with CAPTIAN George Waddling on Toronto Island ferry boat. After a jaunt on the lake, these girls reaffirmed the fact that, whether airborne or afloat, it's what's up front that counts. The T.C.A. pilots joined our plan in 1953.

$25,000 Airline Pilot Occupational Disability Insurance*
(Cash, Tax Free - Non-Cancellable to Age 60)

This insurance will pay a pilot $25,000. cash, tax free, if he is permanently prevented from flying for his airline for physical reasons.

- Premium Payment by Payroll Deduction
- Full benefit payable after 12 month waiting period
- Pilots of airlines listed here are eligible

An additional $25,000. coverage is available to supplement the policy above.

Capt. Harvey W. Watts, Pres.

Aviation Insurance Agency, Inc.

Atlanta Airport - Atlanta, Georgia

*Copyright 1957

Pilot Groups Insured

- Aloha
- American
- Bonanza
- Braniff
- Canadian Pacific
- Caribbean Atlantic
- Central
- Continental
- Delta
- Eastern
- Ellis
- Frontier
- Hawaiian
- Lake Central
- Mackey
- Mohawk
- National
- New York
- North Central
- Northeast
- Northwest
- Pacific
- Pacific Northern
- Pan American-Grace
- Piedmont
- Riddle
- Seaboard World
- Southern
- Trans-Canada
- Trans Caribbean
- Trans-Texas
- Trans World
- United (CAP)
- West Coast
- Western
- Wien-Alaska