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Four           THE AIRLINE PILOT

[[image - photograph, -Acme Photo]]
A rotary snow plow bites huge chunks out of one of the many snowdrifts that buried LaGuardia Field, N.Y., under a two-foot record snow fall, the worst since 1888, on December 26. All flights were cancelled during the snowstorm that hit other Eastern and Midwestern sectors a few days later. But as nature's crystalline splendor melted before rising temperatures and hard-working snow plows, schedules were resumed in a few days.

[[image - photograph
The "bo[[text cut off]] 
at LaG[[text cut off]] 
of the year-end blizzard. It was an on-again, off-again [[ text cut off]] ing but a short trip from the baggage room to the plane [[text cut off]]
plows through two feet of snow to return plane luggage [[text cut off]] 
were cancelled because of the paralyzing snowfall that [[text cut off]]

(Continued from Page 2, Col. 4)
pilot, Eastern Region; E. A. Barber, assistant chief pilot; F. A. Stone, chief pilot, Central Region; Ray Sheldon, of the scheduling department; Robert Young, assistant chief pilot; G. E. Thomas, chief pilot, Western Region; Gene Brown, chief pilot; and Peter Lapin, statistician. 

Seven Grievances

Seven grievance cases were handled during the December-January period by the Grievance and Conciliation Department - an individual and two group grievances on American Overseas Airlines, which [[text cut off]]porary executive vice-president, and R. J. Boches, of the Grievance and Conciliation Department, took part in both the TWA and AOA Hearings, while M. H. Schy, of the Grievance Department, and F. A. Spencer, of Local Council No. 39, AA-Chicago, also participated in the TWA hearings.
Another high light of the December-January period was the setting up of two new councils and the completion of balloting and ballot certification of elections for Local Executive Council officers by the Council Coordination and Administration Department [[text cut off]] December 31, 1947, are as follows:

Local Council No. 1, NWA-Eastern: R. F. Render, chairman, and H. L. Bill, senior copilot representative; Local Council No. 2, TWA-New York: R. V. Johnson, chairman, and R. G. Derickson, senior copilot representative; Local Council No. 3, TWA-Kansas City: Busch Voigts, chairman, and F. S. Blaney, senior copilot representative.

Local Council No. 4, TWA-Los Angeles: F. L. Austin, chairman, and R. F. Bissonette, senior copilot representative; Local Council No. 5, UAL-Portland: R. T. West, chairman, and N. E. McIver, senior copilot representative; Local Council No. 6, AA-Boston: S. E. Pangburn, [[text cut off]]

For ALPA, A Battl [[text cut off]]
(Continued from Page 3, Col. 5)
Plan No. 4 was defeated by a large majority of 79 votes, while in the Senate it was approved by a small margin of stand-pat party line voters.

The Third Fight

ALPA's third fight for an independent Air Safety Board was begun immediately after the abolishment of the first Air Safety Board on June 30, 1940, and reached a concerted stage [[text cut off]]

Transcription Notes:
paper cut off at right margin and lower margin