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188-40B 71st Crescent
Flushing, New York
February 9, 1950

Mr. R. B. Silver
27 A Elk Court
Hempstead, L.I.

Dear Bob:

Enclosed please find my check for $20.57 together with a copy of a letter from "Stew Macklin to me.

I always have a warm feeling whenevery anybody shows the slightest bit of appreciation for any help extended them. The appreciation of our efforts on behalf of "Stew" are self evident.

By a copy of this letter to each of "Stew's" other benefactors, they too will have a knowledge of "Stew's appreciation. To each of these gentlemen will also be sent a check in repayment of their loans to us on behalf of "Stew".

With kindest personal regards to you, et al,

I am

Sincerely yours,

M. A. Gitt
cc: H. Alsop
J. Columbo
E. MacKay
C. Wensel
N. Uttenweiler
A. Murray
H. Clark
S. Barnitt