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e. To advise and assist in obtaining available beneficial and emergency coverages and services as provided by A.L.P.A.

f. To decide on all expenditures, if any, in the excess of $25.00 up to a maximum of $50.00. Any contemplated expenditure in the excess of $50.00 must first be approved by the Master Executive Council. 

g. All incidental expenses necessary for the administration of this fund may be paid out of petty cash but only is substantiated by petty cash receipts. 

h. This committee shall not have the right to dispurse any movies except as herein provided. 



He shall be responsible to see that all activities of the fund are carried out for the best interests of all Colonial Pilots.

At the inception of the fund he shall open an account with the A.L.P.A. Credit Union and see that all monies are deposited thersin. No other accounts shall be recognized unless the Credit Union cannot open such an account in which case a checking account shall be opened at the Manufacturers Trust at LaGuardia Field Airline Terminal. After the Initial deposit the Secretary and Treasurer shall make all deposits. 

All withdrawls from the fund shall be executed by the treasurer but countersigned by the chairman.

He shall maintain a petty cash fund of $50.00 for immediate dispursement and turn over the Secretary and Treasurer a petty cash receipt for each and every expenditure. 

He shall be authorized to spend up to a maximum of $25.00 for condolences at his discretion for pilots, their immediate families, or at the discretion of the committee. He may use his own judgemeent as to how much of this $25.00 is spent and for what it is spent but it shall not be paid out in the form of a cash gift. It is to be understood he does not have to spend the maximum amount everytime he acts, as a matter of fact if he does the fund will soon be exhausted. 


He shall assist the chairman in all of his duties.