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National Airlines, Inc. (National), the Air Line Pilots Association, International (A.L.P.A.), and the International Association of Machinists (I.A.M.) were granted leave to intervene. After appropriate notice, a public hearing was held in Washington, D. C., following which the parties were granted an opportunity to file briefs to the Examiner.

Applicants - Eastern holds certificates authorizing air transportation between points in the northeastern portion of the United States, including Boston, New York, and Washington, D. C., on one hand, and cities in Texas, Louisiana, and Florida, on the other, via various intermediate points. In addition, Eastern is authorized to operate between New York and Miami, on one hand, and San Juan, Puerto Rico, on the other [[?]] Colonial is certificated to provide service between the Canadian cities of Montreal and Ottawa, on one hand, and New York and Washington, on the other, via various intermediate points; and between New York and Washington, on one hand, and Bermuda, on the other.

Background of the Agreement - This is a second agreement providing for the acquisition Colonial assets by Eastern. A former
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1 A proceeding involving possible suspension of Eastern's service between Miami and San Juan is now pending before the Board.