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In the absence of any indication to the contrary, it is concluded that Eastern's appraisal of Colonial's DC-4 aircraft is reasonable.

Eastern's appraisal of 13 Wright G-202 engines with mounts averages $8,615 each. No evidence of recent sales of this type of engine is on record. However, Colonial purchased and modified two engines of this type in December 1953, at a cost of slightly over $7,000 each. While an Eastern witness testified that the sales price of engines has increased during the last year, it is questionable whether such engines would be priced as high as anticipated when purchased in a "package deal."

Colonial's Pratt & Whitney R-2000 engines were valued at $23,462 each by Eastern. In support of this evaluation it was pointed out that Eastern sold 14 Pratt & Whitney R-2800-D-5 engines in March 1955, at more than the cost of $20,000 each and 13 Pratt & Whitney R-2800-CB-3 engines, which cost $29,000 each, at an average price of $33,000. The R-2800 engines of Eastern, listed as having 2400 horsepower, is a substantially larger engine than Colonial's R-2000 engines with 1350 horsepower. During March 1955, Eastern sold two of its R-2000-D-5 engines for $20,000 each. These engines, with 1450 horsepower, would appear to be more comparable to Colonial's engines which would be transferred under the agreement. Considering the fact that the engines would be sold as a "package" it appears that Eastern's appraisal of the R-2000 engines also is high.