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training employees to the point where they would be ready for training in Eastern's procedures. With respect to national's contention that no consideration was given to the fact that Eastern's employees are largely trained on the job, Eastern points out that its employees are not trained on the job.
There can be little question that trained employees have a value which would be considered in the acquisition of the assets of a going concern. Eastern has set out what it estimates the cost would be to train these 786 Colonial employees. It, of course, is recognized that some of these employees might not desire to continue as employees of Eastern thereby reducing the value of Colonial employees. However it appears reasonable to conclude that losses of such employees would be offset by the fact that Eastern evaluating the employees it would take over did not include allowances for various items of expense previously mentioned herein.

Value of LaGuardia Lease - Colonial's lease at LaGuardia airport covers one-half of the hangar now occupied jointly by Eastern and Colonial. It is effective for a period of twenty years subject to renewal for a second twenty year period. The lease has run fourteen years so the remaining life at the lessee's option is twenty six years. There is no provision in the lease for assignment by the Director of Aviation for the New York Port Authority that he saw no reason why the lease could not be assigned in the event Eastern takes over the operation of Colonial.