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After arriving at a length of service figure for each pilot, the Committee will forward by registered mail, to each pilot individually a statement of their findings and request confirmation of the length of service they have accredited to the individual pilot.

It will be the responsibility of the individual pilot to challenge within a reasonable length of time, but in no case later than the original date of Government approval, the finding of the Committee in case of an alleged mistake, and to prove his protest by a written statement of fact and relevant evidence.

The Committee will receive and evaluate the protests and will adjudge the validity of the claim.  The decision of the Committee will be final as to these protests.

The respective pilots seniority lists, and any data pertinent thereto, will be made available to all the pilot representatives, as defined in the following procedure, for use in compiling an integrated list. If the pilot representatives, after reviewing the method used in computing the length of service credit for each affected airline group, disagree as to the method of computation, they shall be empowered to compromise their differences to the extent necessary to reach agreement, except that the relative position of the pilots on their respective seniority lists will be maintained. Failing this, the disagreement shall be resolved by utilizing the mediation or arbitration procedures which follow, regardless of the method by which the lists are finally integrated.

Within ten days from the original date of Government Approval of the merger, the Mast Executive Councils of the affected air lines shall meet and elect one first pilot and one copilot representative from their respective air lines.

The Master Executive Councils will certify these representatives as having complete and full authority to act for and in behalf of the pilots of their respective air line for the purpose of compiling a single pilot seniority list. 

The representatives of the affected air lines shall meet at the Home Office within thirty ays from the said date of the Government Approval and by direct negotiation reconciles all their differences as to method of integration and compile the single acceptable pilot seniority list. The representatives shall report at least every five days to the President of the Association on their progress in direct negotiation. If, At any time after receiving the first report, in the opinion of the President, satisfactory progress is not being made, he shall unilaterally intervene and invoke mediation.

The Mediator shall be the President of the Association or an appointee of the President of the Association, and if an appointee, he shall be a member of the Home Office staff or an officer of the Association. 

If within forty-five days from the said date of Government Approval, negotiations and mediation have not resulted in an integrated pilot seniority list, arbitration shall be mandatory, and such arbitration, except as specifically provided herein, shall be conducted in accordance with the 
