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dismissed. The Board upon consideration of the record reached the same conclusion.6/
In the instant proceeding, Eastern and Colonial jointly seek approval of a new agreement by which Eastern would acquire the assets of Colonial. 
National was given leave to intervene, as were the Airline Pilots Association, International (ALPA) and the International Association of Machinists (IAM). 
After due notice, a public hearing was held by Examiner Herbert K. Bryan who issued a decision in which he recommended that the Board approve the acquisition agreement subject to the conditions: (1) that the assets taken over by Eastern be entered on Eastern's books at the book value as of the date of the transfer and (2) that the agreement be subject to the same labor protective provisions as to those imposed in the Slick-Flying Tiger Merger Case.7/
Exceptions to the recommended decision were filed by the parties. A brief was filed by National in support of its exceptions, and all parties argued orally before the board. The case now stands submitted for decision. 
Upon consideration of the entire record, we agree with and adopt the Examiner's findings, conclusions, and recommendations, as modified herein. 
The Examiner found, and we agree, that the instant agreement, which was entered into on January 28, 1955, was the result of negotiations carried on at arm's length. National challenges this finding and contends that the agreement should be disapproved. The carrier argues that the board's finding

6/ Eastern-Colonial Control Case, Order No. E-9162, adopted April 29, 1955; petition for reconsideration denied and the Board's finding restated, Order No.E-9308, adopted June 15, 1955.
7/ Order No. E-8022, adopted January 7, 1954.