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further under these conditions.

Malone stated that the Age 60 Committee was not accepted favorably at all by the Home Office. Railsback said that he feels that the committee's approach is contrary to the best interests os all the other pilots. He stated that it is not Gitt and Richardson that are being fought but the principle. He advised them that their jobs are gone as pilots and that they should quit trying to hang on to them. The MEC wanted them to work on legislation for its own sake and not to attack contracts and agreements with ALPA and various carriers. Richardson suggested that all pilots after the age of 60 should be given physicals, at ALPA expense, every six months to gather statistics for the aerospace medical program. Crane and Cusack both spoke in opposition of the FAA telling them when to retire. Scruggs stated that he supports the Age 60 Committee but does not approve of any infringements on our contract.

No specific action was taken on the item due to the improperiety of the Age 60 Committee involving itself again with the MEC. The point was made by Tully that the committee should in the future conduct its business directly with the Executive Committee.

AGENDA ITEM #3 - Q's and A's:

Chairman Tully commented that the Company wishes the Negotiating Committee to assist in composing a set of Q's and A's based on the new working agreement. Railsback noted that the Q's and A's have historically hurt us. Helms and Railsback agreed that if the pilots do not participate in the drawing of the Q's and A's they are not specifically bound by them. Corkran stated that if we do not like the wording of the contract, to change it, and not to get involved in various semi-official interpretations that can eventually hurt us. At this time, resolution #68-84 was introduced by Scott and seconded by Railsback and passed with a vote of 9 for and 3 opposed. The resolution reads as follows:

BE IT RESOLVED that the MEC instruct the Negotiating Committee not to participate in any negotiations in regard to interpretation of current contract in the form of Q's and A's,

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that any Q's and A's on the current contract that originated with management are not necessarily acceptable to the EAL MEC.

Motion was made to adjourn by Busse and seconded by Helms at 19:30. It carried unanimously.

^[[Bob Tully]]
Bob Tully, Chairman
