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Michael A. Gitt
94 Kings Point Road
Kings Point, N.Y. 11024

Mr. Charles H. Ruby, President
Air Line Pilots Association
55th Street and Cicero Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60638

November 23, 1967.

Dear Charlie,

Further, with regard to the age 60 retirement problem, I am certainly interested as you suggested in yours of November 3rd, in Harry Orlady's and his committees thoughts on the subject. I am also happy to see that the 1950 "Board" has agreed to a policy of a vountary retirement age rather than a compulsory or invountary age. With regard to getting the backing from the present "Board" to support a drive in this direction, I have no doubts about your success in such an undertaking.

However what we now need is a plan to expedite this operation. It is long past due. The "Board" recognized the problem in 1950 before we had this arbitrary age 60 retirement "edict". Every year people are being forced out to pasture prematurely simply because they have reached a statutory and chronological age of 60. Actioniis needed now: "tempus fugit".

Charlie, I appreciate the need for caution and to go slow: but there is also, of necessity, an urgency in this matter.

The fact that Johnny Richardson has gone to Washington to see what can be done is fine, but we cannot have pilots running off in all directions trying to gain relief independently. We need an ALPA coordinated effort if we are to be successful. Let's get a committee going as soon as possible.

As I have stated before, I am only too willing to aid in this matter. Don't forget I have a vital interest and concern.

With best regards, I am,
