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Captain M. A. Gitt       -2-

measure of commitment and application which such a test would certainly deserve.

I would like to suggest, however, that a variation of this approach, one which will in no way compromise other aspects of our current program, receive early consideration by the Committee.

You may recall that the FAA hearing in the North Atlantic separation matter resulted in a joint FAA-ALPA-IFALPA task force for reevaluation of separation standards and navigating capability over the North Atlantic. The ALPA member of this task force, who had been a staunch and vocal member of the Association's team of litigators during the FAA hearing, succeeded in obtaining the full confidence of FAA members of the task force. As a result, even though this reevaluation has apparently vindicated the Association's original position concerning separating standards and undercut the initial FAA position, FAA has apparently accepted this apparent reversal in good faith, and is processing the result of that reevaluation in constructive fashion.

This experience suggests to me the possibility that, without reducing current efforts on a carrier-by-carrier basis to protect the employment rights of pilots reaching age 60, and particularly at this time (while no litigation is threatened and while FAA has no immediate reason to feel threatened), it may be prudent to attempt (by infiltration and seduction) to change the FAA position on this issue.

It would be my suggestion to the Committee that informal contacts with FAA be initiated, urging the creation of multilateral task force on the age 60 matter, to meet regularly, for full exploration and evaluation, and, if possible, to produce joint findings and recommendations at the conclusion of such a study. Such a program might tend to remove the age 60 issue from the area of courtroom strategy and place it instead into a context of joint and constructive review, where it properly belongs, with the hope