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Air Line Pilots Association
New York Joint Council Office
Expressway Building - Suite 515
91-31 Queens Boulevard
Elmhurst, New York 11373

Affiliated with A.F.I. C.I.O 

56 Riverside Avenue
Amityville, New York 11701
July 23,1968

Dear Fellow ALPA Member: 

I know you are concerned with the recent difficulties within our Association which have arisen as a result of the demotion of Mr. T. A. Basnight. I have no intention of reviewing our commenting upon the complexities or the circumstances of the situation. It is sufficient to mention that I had an opportunity during the Air Safety Forum earlier this month to have private conversations with both Mr. Basnight and Mr. Charles Ruby, President of our Association. In the course of the course of these individual discussions, a mutually agreeable plan was evolved whereby it was hoped that some sensible solutions to these difficulties could be achieved. Attached is a Memo of Understanding which I addressed to both gentlemen at the time outlining the steps we had mutually agreed upon in an endeavor to resolve the problems. During the week of July 15, the first three steps were to accomplished and it was agreed to meet on July 22 in Mr. Ruby's office to accomplish the remainder. This was done, and the three of us had a lengthy discussion of the various problems, as required in Step Number 6. We were joined, for varying periods of time, by Mr. Kay McMurray to furnish data and information on staff negotiations and contract, and by Mr. Scruggs Colvin to furnish information on the Washington move. 

This is to inform you that, as of this date, the six points of the July 11 Memo have been fulfilled as follows. Mr. Basnight has given Mr. Ruby a letter of apology for the language of the April 19 letter. Mr. Ruby has withdrawn his letter of June 17 which demoted Mr. Basnight. There has been a thorough discussion of the problems which apparently precipitated this situation and hopefully the air has been cleared and all parties are more aware of each other's thoughts and feelings. 

I am not so naïve as to state there has been a complete solution and everyone will necessarily live happily ever after. These are two strong-willed, strong-minded, very capable men and it is entirely possible there will be future differences of opinion or procedure, but it is sincerely hoped they can be resolved by straight forward, honest discussion and not by recriminative actions or language which only precipitate counteractions and ultimately involve the Association in devastating internecine battles which can only be a detriment to the entire Association. 

Respectfully yours, 

R. C. Gerber