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March 22, 1968

Mr. Herbert A. Levy
Attorney at Law
1815 H Street, N. W.
Washington, D. C.

Dear Mr. Levy:

Captain J. R. Richardson has asked that I pass on to you an experience I mentioned to him several years ago. Due to the length of time that has transpired, and the fact that our files have been destroyed, I can only rely on my memory concerning this incident. While this may be of no value to you in the ALPA case on which you are working, I will recount it for whatever it may be worth.

Back in late 1957 or early 1958 the Air Force invited representatives from all of the scheduled air carriers, who at that time had jet aircraft on order, to a symposium at Kelly Field, Texas. The purpose of this symposium was to acquaint the airlines with some of the problems connected with the operation of jet aircraft. At this time the airlines had no experience in jet operation, whereas the Air Force's experience had been considerable already.

All phases of operation, flight, maintenance and ground support were covered. It was a two-day symposium. Part of the flight presentation was handled by a colonel whose name I do not recall. In the course of this presentation, he advised the airline representatives present that if they expected