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March 18, 1968

Captain R. L. Tully
Chairman - EAL MEC
905 Dale Court
Vienna, Virginia 22180

Dear Captain Tully:

On Friday morning, March 15, Captains Gitt and Richardson met with Mr. Higginbottom, Captain Halliburton and the undersigned.

Each outlined his activities regarding FAR 121.383(c) as well as the possible conflicts between the FAR and the "Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967".

Mr. Higginbottom and Captain Halliburton both agreed with these special MEC representatives that we have indeed lost the services of several valuable pilots recently who could no doubt have continued their very useful careers has it not been for the age 60 FAR.

All present were in agreement that if the FAR in question is somehow removed, altered, or made less restrictive, the Company and the pilots in its employ would revert to our previous practice in effect prior to the enactment of the aforementioned regulation. Eastern agrees to back ALPA in its efforts to have this regulation rescinded.

Our previous practice was as follows: Any pilot, prior to reaching age 60, at his request would be considered by his Director - Flight at his domicile for an extension of his active flying service for one year.

The Medical Director, upon receipt of such a recommendation would add his recommendation.