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21 Harbor View Avenue
Winthrop, Mass. 02152
May 17, 1968

Capt. Richard Flournoy
Vice President - Region I
Chanin Building, Suite 1017
122 East 42 Street
New York, New York

Dear Rich,

I have just finished reviewing Mike Watt's letter to
all members in Region I and feel compelled to offer some thoughts which have come to mind as result of observing the efforts you have put into programs beneficial to members of ALPA during your tenure as Vice President, Region I. 
Mike's letter makes reference to internal struggles
and designated officers which fail to get results. Because of the wide distribution, I shudder at the inference and the possible discredit to your commendable efforts in behalf of our members. If the inference in Mike's letter was intentional, I can only assume that it was through the efforts of certain individuals within the plateau of our organization who would be most adversely affected by your continued drive to restore proper representation.

Don't misunderstand me. I know Mike and I know that
he is a good man. The only thing is, you have already
analyzed the Association deficiencies, including the problems associated in our efforts to properly combat selfish ambitions within the aviation industry, which would, if left unchecked, adversely affect the best interests of the airline pilots; therefore I hope you will press your campaign forward and accept re-election.

I know if every pilot in this region was aware of the
long hours you have put in in his behalf, there would be no doubt in my mind that each individual would come forward with a vote of thanks, but you and other devoted representatives know the practical aspects of these things. Association members, unfortunately, become exposed to the propaganda techniques which obscure the facts as they exist. There will, therefore, be members voting for a Region I Vice President who are not aware of your effective and sincere efforts.

Please let me know if there is anything I can personally do to assist you, now or at any future time.

Nino Ciancetta (V.)
Nino Ciancetta, Chairman
ALPA Region I Air Safety Committee