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Michael A. Gitt
94 Kings Point Road
Kings Point, New York 11024
December 20, 1967

Dear Bruce,
Thank you for the very nice letters our reginel VP with regard to our ago 60 retirement problem.  It was very nice to learn that brother Flournoy is with us all the way on this problem.
I had a telephone call from Johnny Richardson this morning and he is all exiceted over this new law that we talked about at our last meeting.  The lawthat recently passed by congress that prevents discrimination of employables under sixty five for age.  He thinks it might have some merit where we are concerned.
As I see it the situation now stands awaiting our invitation to attend the meeting at HQ in Chicago next month.  Should we get that invite, then, I have already suggested to Johnny Richardson that we get together in advance of our meeting with the executive council, and line up our testimony and material for an adequate presentation before that august body.
Johnny and I are agreed that the best line of approach at the moment is through the White House.  The President needs all the help he can get from labor next year.  Our approach to the White House is through George Meaney by way of Charlie Ruby.  In that regard, We will need the full weight of the Executive Committee to get Charlie to act.  The members of the Comm. may have to go back to their respective areas and shake up the membership at the grass routes level to should old and cautious Charlie that we really want this action on his part in support of rescinding the age sixty rule and we want action now.  As usual in battles of this kind we get in to a problem of educating the membership and in this situation we find it no different than any other situation.
Thankyou again for your courtesy and help.
With best wishes for the season, Iam