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of the Arbitration Board shall be selected by the Secretary of Transportation, and the FAA shall be invited to participate and to present such evidence as may be deemed appropriate.

28. Pending the outcome of whichever of the foregoing alternative proceedings shall ensue, Petitioners urge the FAA to determine that Captain Gitt and similarly situated pilots who shall attain age 60 between the date of this petition and the date of the determination in such proceeding may continue undisturbed to serve as airline pilots notwithstanding the provisions of the rule. Should FAA be unwilling to grant this request, ALPA suggests, without endorsing, the following possible alternative limitations respecting the employment of such pilots:

Pending such determination, the utilization of such pilots in air carrier operations shall be subject to one or more of the following limitations:

a. pilot-in-command but only in a crew which includes at least two other pilot-qualified flight deck operating crew members; or