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request alternatively that the matter of the age 60 rule be submitted an "arbitration panel". The function of safety rule making for air carrier operations is not a matter for arbitration. As the court said in the case of Air Line Pilots Association, International, et al., v. Elwood R. Quesada, supr, "The Federal Aviation Act was passed by Congress for the purpose of centralizing in a single authority - indeed, in one Administrator - the power to frame rules for the safe and efficient use of the nation's airspace." This procedural request must thus also be denied. 
Since the petitioners failed to present sufficient reasons for exempting Captain Gitt or any other person similarly situated would not be in public interest. 
Pursuant to the authority contained in Sections 313(a) and 601(c) of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958, delegated to me by the Administrator (14 CFR 11.53), the subject petition for an exemption from the provisions of Section 121.383(c) of the Federal Aviation Regulations is hereby denied.
James F. Rudolph
Flight Standards Service
Issued in Washington, D.C., on APR 23 1968