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Arthur A Arsham
Attorney At Law
William Q. Keenan

233 Broadway
New York 10007
Cortland 7-3632

June 20, 1969

Mr. Michael Gitt
94 Kings Point Road
Kings Point, New York 11024

Dear Capt. Gitt:
I am delighted to hear that you have the highly expert help of Mr. Bailey and that you will be able to focus your efforts on a change in the Federal Aviation Agency's regulations concerning age limits. We made the judgment that that was the essential lock on the problem and that the State Human Rights Commission proceeding here could have only a peripheral effect on the result.
I return your papers herewith and send along my very best wishes for success. I have given the problem personal thought and I think I am able to say without any personal reservation that I think that it is not only in your interest but in the interest of the profession that you succeed.
If at any time we can be of assistance to you, please be sure that we would enjoy the opportunity to help.
Yours very truly,
W. Q. Keenan 
William Q. Keenan


Transcription Notes:
removed [[signture]] - please stick to instructions