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further explains. 

Q. You fly a rout to Mexico City out of New York? (T-258)

A. Yes.

Q. You have a non-stop?

A. Yes, we do.

Q. How many landings and take offs is he going to make in a month before he runs out of time?

A. Maybe ten.

Q. Is it not Eastern's practice to have the first officer fly every other leg as a general rule?

A. Most captains, yes, alternate every other leg. 

Q. In order for them to train, so they can become captains?

A. Yes.

Q. That would mean the captain himself would make about five take offs and landings in a month?

A. Yes sir. (T-260)

And as a further illustration demonstrating the small amount of activity on an on-line revenue passenger flight compared to the proficiency gained by instructor and check pilots, Captain Brady further elaborated in his subsequent testimony. It became immediately obvious that an instructor or supervisory or check pilot has absolutely no necessity at all for the additional requirement imposed by respondent of on-line revenue passenger flights one month out of every four. 

Q. Is it not a fact that in a flight from New York to Miami, during the approximately two hours that you are level and cruising there is very little physical activity in that cockpit?

A. That's right. 

Q. Pressing a microphone button is about the size of it. (T-261)