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Captain Truman Outland
1716 Ponce De Leon Boulevard
Coral Gables, Florida

August 20, 1970

Dear Age 60 Members:

Our hearing has been set! 

We have just been advised that the hearing on the government's motions filed in response to our suit is scheduled for Friday, August 28, at 1:45 P.M. in Courtroom No. 7 of the U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C.  This is a long awaited step in our fight against the discriminatory Quesada Rule.  I myself will be in Washington for the hearing, and you may contact me through Wayne Smith's office there.  (202) 547-4509.

We have heard from a few of you regarding our recent plea for additional help, but we need considerably more financial assistance if we are to carry our fight to a successful conclusion.  It would be more than a shame if we had to abandon our effort just when visible progress was beginning to be made.  As we approach this hearing, I'm asking once again for your utmost in both moral and financial support for our cause. 

Your fellow Age 60'ers sincerely appreciate all that you have done and are doing to help support this effort.  After August 28, we'll all know more about our future.  

Very truly yours,
[[Signature]] Truman Outland
Truman Outland
