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January 23, 1970




Yes, we have finally filed suit against the FAA demanding repeal of the highly discriminatory Quesada rule that forces you and your fellow pilots to arbitrarily end your flying careers and livelihoods at age 60!

Our team of lawyers--led by the brilliant F. Lee Bailey-- brought the action at the end of last month in U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C. on behalf of our three fellow club 60'ers, Truman Outland (DAL), Charles Rogers (Eal), and Carroll Latimer (Eal). All are Miami-based.

The suit directly attacks the 1959 regulation as both outdated and patently unfair. It also attacks the basis for the 1960 upholding of Quesada on the basis that "present medical knowledge" supported 60 as retirement age for airline pilots. Chief medical argument in the suit comes from the Lovelace Foundation Report. In this report the Albuquerque (N.M) doctors found that pilots have lower body fat levels than the general population, smaller hearts, more stable blood pressure, better hearing and quicker reflexes.

 Since the only purpose of the regulation was to improve passenger safety--our suit points out--"continued enforcement of this regulation based on outdated medical information is unlawful."

No date has been set for a hearing yet on our suit, and we will keep you posted of all developments in our case.

None of us--however--can adopt a wait-and-see attitude in this vitally important matter. A powerful U.S. Senator is interested in our plight and wants to hear from you. At a meeting with our Truman Outland last week, Sen. Jennings Randolph (D-W. Va.) Chairman of the Special Subcommittee on Aging, asked for all concerned pilots to write him with details of their own situations and their opinions of the Quesada rule. Write Senator Randolph at the Committee, Room G-233, Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C. 200500.

Finally, the support you have given the effort so far has been highly encouraging. The fight has just begun--however--and more support will be necessary before we can triumph. Talk with your colleagues and urge them to support this effort for the common good. Contributions can be sent to the Age 60 Retirement Committee, c/o Captain Truman R. Outland, 7941 West Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33141.
