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Tax credit:
A $500-per-locating-employee annual 
tax credit, each year for 12
years, for firms relocating operations
into new or substantially rehabilitated 

Industrial Relocation and
Retention Program (IRR):
IRR provides up to $110,000 to
reimburse actual moving costs for
industrial firms relocating to the
boroughs from Manhattan south of 
96th Street, or for firms moving into
purchased space in the boroughs.

Revolving Loan Fund:
RLF fills the gaps in private capital
markets by providing low-cost
financing for fixed assets such as
buildings, machinery and equipment,
to eligible businesses.

Urban Development
Action Grants (UDAG):
New York City has used UDAGs
which have been awarded nationwide
by the federal government on
a competitive basis, to make
below-market-rate loans at interest rates

Marine Midland Bank N.A.