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you may mail information on the AARP plan you are considering to Eastern's Group Insurance Administration Department at Box 787,Miami. Florida 33148. They will foward the information to Prudential and obtain a determination as to whether or not your group coverage would be coordinated against the AARP plan in question.
Q. My husband is a retired employee, over 65. I am not 65 yet. What kind of medical coverage do I have?
A. You continue with the same coverage that you have now, until you reach 65.
Q. Do I have coverage for medicine?
A. Yes, you have the same coverage that you have now.
Q. I retired after March of 1986. My deductible is 1/2 percent of my annually salary. That seemed fair when I was making more money, however, my pension is much lower thank my salary- why doesn't my deductible go down to 1/2% of my pension?
A. We have never lowered the deductible when an employee retires. The deductible remains the same as it was when you retired. This meant that when medical costs increases as they have been doing every year, your deductible did not. If PruCare Plus was available in your city when you retired you continue to have the opportunity to use this network and have cost paid at 100% in most situations.
Q. Why don't the retirees have dental priveges?
A. It has always been Eastern's philosophy to protect its employees against catastrophic loss. Consequently, most of the money that is available for benefit plans is put where it will protect you the most- the medical plan. Most people even on limited income can probably come up with a few hundred dollars for dental work. No one should be faced with $30,000-$40,000 of medical expenses. Your Prudential Medical Plan continues to cover injuries to nature teeth. Travelers does not offer a conversion privilege. However, the credit union has a group dental plan you can buy. Also, you can shop around to see what other insurance companies may offer.
Q. How much does it cost EAL to cover retirees medical?
A. Approximately $25 million dollars. 20% of the total dollars spent by EAL on medical coverage is spent on only 12% of the covered lived (Retirees under 65)
Pension and Stock Plans
Q. What was the purpose of Eastern's July 28, 1988 letter?
A. The purpose of the July 28,1988 letter was to notify you that Eastern was applying to the IRS for the waiver or a deferral if you will, of its full 1987 contribution and second installment of the waived 1985 contribution to all Fixed Benefit Pension Plans. Suck contributions were due on September 15,1988. Eastern asked the IRS for approval to delay the contributions, and instead make the payments in installments.
Q. Why did Eastern send notifications?
A. Because applicable IRS regulations required it. 
Q. Why has Eastern applied for the waiver?
A. Because Eastern is experiencing temporary financial hardship.
Q. If the Internal Revenue Service approves the waiver, how does this affect my retirement annuity?
A. The application for waiver, or, the waiver itself if granted by the IRS, will not have any impact on retirees' current or future benefit payments.
Q. Can you please explain why the waiver won't affect my annuity?
A. Because neither the application for, nor granting of the waiver, will stop the plans from paying benefits to eligible retirees and/or beneficiaries.
Q. Won't the waiver result in the plans having less assets to pay the benefits due?
A. If the waiver is granted, Eastern will be required to make the deferred contributions in annual instalments and to pay interest on the amounts for the period of the time they were not in the plans.