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Q. If I elect to withdraw the value of my 20% Participating Preferred Stock, how much will I receive?
A. The value of the stock is determined by the value of the "Merger Consideration" into which it will converted. "Merger Consideration" consists of $6.25 plus .15 share of Eastern 2.84 Depository Preferred Share, so converted. The total value you receive will then be the cash for the $6.25 per share plus the value of the Depository Share when you receive them. As of a day or two ago the value of the .15 share Depository Stock was about $2.66, so the 20% Participating Preferred Stock had a value of about $8.91 per share ($6.25+$2.66=$8.91).
Q. Will I be able to convert the 20% Participating Preferred Stock to Merger Consideration and/or to all cash still leave it in the Plan?
A. Yes.
Q. I have already completed paperwork to withdraw my 20% Participating Preferred Stock and received a note back from Martin Segal Company stating I needed Eastern's authorization. Why?
A. While the tender offer was under legal challenge and court consideration, 20% Preferred Stock was not available from the Plan. Now that the tender offer has been withdrawn and is no longer the subject of court consideration the shares can be converted to "Merger Consideration" for withdrawal, if the participant so wishes and the plan so permits. 
Q. Why could I get $16.00 a share during the Tende4r Offer and now have to take a value of half or less the price?
A. Because the IAM, TWU and ALPA, as well as the trustees of the plans opposed the tender offer by court action that prevented Texas Air from being able to complete the higher price per share.
Q. Can we ride the Metro or any EAL commuter carrier on discount passes?
A. Retirees are not eligible for pass travel on any of the Eastern commuters. However, retirees can obtain unlimited 75% reduced-rate tickets at any EAL city ticket office for the following carriers Air Midwest, Atlantis, Bar Harbor, LIAT, Metro and Precision. (Note: No reduced rate on South Jersey).
Q. Are there plans to improve retiree pass information and travel data? It is extremely difficult to obtain.
A. Retiree pass information is currently published in the Retiree Association bulletins distributed to all members by John DeRose. The best source of information for retirees to get travel data is by subscribing to one or all of these publications:
.Falcon-Eastern Airlines, Bldg. 16, Rm. 811-A. Attn: Mary Boring. Yearly subscription rates are $12 from Jane.- Dec. A subscription from now until the end of the 1988 is $4. Subscription includes Falcon and Online, Eastern's biweekly newsletter. Telephone: 305-873-6321.
.Positive Tours & Cruises -call 714-581-7531 between 8:30a.m. and 5p.m., Monday through Friday for information or write to 23362 Peralta St., Suite 1, Laguna Hills, CA 92653.
.The Interliner's 1988 Vacation Planning Guide- Interline Representatives, 1-800-828-0046 in the United Stated, 1-800654-0089 in Canada, or 212-840-6727 in New York. Hours are 8:30a.m.-7p.m. EST, Mon.-Fri. and Sat., 10a.m.-4p.m.
.Interliner's Fine Hotel & Resort Destination Guide- International Travel Representatives, 25, W. 39th St., New York, NY 10018, 212-840-0725 or 1-800-445-8945.
.Trailblazer Safaris Interline Tours- Worldwide, Inc., 14115. Dixie Hwy., Miami, FL 33176 305-255-8882.
.Interline Vacations to Europe- Caesar Hotels, 34 N. Brentwood Blvd., St Louis, MO 63105. Call 1-800-4-CAESAR or 314-727-1503.
Q. Who do we contact for travel benefits on other carriers?
A. Please refer to your list of interline agreements that was part of your retirement package. If you don't have a current copy, write the Eastern Airline's Retiree Pass Bureau, Bldg. 16, Room 536, Miami, FL 33148. Please enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope.