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... Henry Weiss

Convention Album 

Off the Record...
... Carl Peternell

ALPA'S Finest Convention...
(continued from page 9)
first time.
Reelected were President C.N. Sayen and Secretary F.A. Spencer. Captain Charles E. Beatley (CAP)was elected First Vice-President, replacing J. E. WOOD, who after long and faithful service to ALPA, found it necessary to decline to run for reelection. D. J. Smith (TWA) was elected Treasurer, replacing Roger Don Rae, who was not a candidate.
A shining sidelight of the Convention was the Banquet held Thursday evening, November 11. Ably M.C.'d by Regional Vice-President Talton, banquet speakers were: Leverett Edwards, member of the National Mediation Board; Frank Entwhistle, Chief, ICAO Flight Branch; President Sayen; Secretary Spencer, and Regional Vice-Presidents W. M. Masland, J. P. Talton, C. E. Beatley, L. R. Williams and C. A. Peternell.
Perhaps the best and most accurate gauge of the success or failure of a Convention is in the impressions carried away by the delegates.
On that basis, the 13th Convention rated way over on the "success plus" side of the ledger.
At Convention's end we asked many of the delegated how they would rate it. 
Their words differed, but their opinions were unanimous. 
Here are just a few of those comments - the way it looked through the eyes of the delegates:
"... the finest Convention I've ever attended."
"...I think this Convention was more productive than any other ALPA has ever held."
"... It solved most of the problems we had to solve."
"... It was well handled and ran smoothly... Everybody did a good job."
"... This was my first. It amazed me."
"...I'm convinced: ALPA is the most democratic organization of its type."

Watch future issues of The Air Line Pilot for detailed and analytic articles on 
Your New Dues
Air Safety and The Convention
The Merger Policy
ALPA Retirement Program
Other Convention Actions

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