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Two      THE AIR LINE PILOT      November, 1948

[[image]] THE AIR LINE PILOT [[image]]
Vol. 17—No. 10    [[image]] 66    November, 1948
Published monthly by the Air Line Pilots Association, International
Affiliated with A. F. of L.
Annual Subscription ... $2.50
Davide L. Behncke ... President
Jerome E. Wood ... First Vice-President
Raymond B. Andrews ... Secretary
Warren G. Malvick ... Treasurer
Vice-Presidents, Foreign
W. F. Judd ... TWA-Rome, Italy
T. H. L. Young ... Panagra-Lima, Peru, S.A.
W. R. Everts ... PAA-Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, S. A.
Vice-Presidents, Domestic
H. G. Portman...UAL-Chicago
L. L. Caruthers...Delta-Atlanta
W. T. Babbitt...EAL-Miami
L. R. Davidson...C&S-New Orleans
J. H. Roe...TWA-Kansas City
M. W. Sellmeyer...Braniff-Dallas
E. H. Campbell...Continental-Denver
J. L. Crouch...UAL-Seattle
Robert Ford...PAA-San Francisco
L. M. Williams...TWA-Los Angeles
A. F. Foster...TWA-New York
J. A. McKeown...NWA-Minneapolis
S. J. Cavill...WAL-Salt Lake City
Lawrence Cates ... Legislative Representative
Entered as Second Class Matter March 11, 1933, at the Post Office at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of March 3, 1879.

Copyright 1948 by Air Line Pilots Association, International.
Editorial Offices:
3145 W. 63rd St. Chicago, Ill.    Telephone Grovehill 6-2200
David L. Behncke...Editor
Edward C. Modes...Associate Editor

The largest and greatest of all Conventions of the Air Line Pilots Association—the Tenth Convention—has come and gone. It strode magnificently across ALPA's stage of action and then closed the cover of history on six memorable days.

Although the Convention itself is history and what it did is a matter of record, the results it left behind can hardly be relegated to such a past-tense realm for they will play a prominent and vital part in the daily lives of the air line pilots and in charting the course of their representing organization for a long time into the future.

The success of the Convention is one thing; what made it a success is another. What the convention actually accomplished, its vast achievements, and its far-reaching and forward-moving actions is set down for all time in black and white in the 1,722 pages of record compiled by the tenth biennial meeting of ALPA's highest body. Behind that record are many significant factors that combined to make the Tenth Convention the outstanding success that it was.

THE TENTH CONVENTION FACED ISSUES. Frankly controversial though many of the issues were, they faced them squarely. They didn't procrastinate; they didn't shy away; they didn't put off until another day. It wasn't a dodge-the-issue, let-Jack-do-it convention. In everything, they set a deadline of NOW. It was a convention imbued with a sincere eagerness to meet its problems head on and grapple them to a solution. It was a convention of action, aware in the extreme of its great responsibilities and the necessity for resolute action. It was this aggressiveness that helped make the Tenth Convention great.

THE TENTH CONVENTION WAS OPEN-MINDED. The raw stuff of which convention success is made—ideas, opinions, expression—flowed freely across the record of the Tenth Convention, unhandicapped by the deadlocking barriers of closed minds. Issues, questions, and problems were resolved on their merits as unfolded in the light of all circumstances, not on predetermined notions dictated by partisanship. It was this open-minded reaching of decisions—the hearing of all sides followed by an evaluation of the pros and cons—that gave the Tenth Convention the freedom of action that enabled it to reach some of its soundest decisions.

THE TENTH CONVENTION WAS PRACTICAL. Its actions were logical, sound, reasonable, and well thought out; not hasty bridge-the-gap-temporarily decisions. Words were the Tenth Convention's tools of thought, not a camouflage for lack of thought. In their long-range planning, they were visionary; but it was the vision of practicability, not day dreams. Unlike many such large gatherings of men, they did not indulge in the delusory cloud-walking of high-sounding oratory as a substitute for realism. Their decisions were clean-cut and straight-forward, devoid of ambiguity. It was this realism that enabled the Tenth Convention to give to ALPA a firm basis of continued progress.

THE TENTH CONVENTION WAS DEMOCRATIC. It was democratic to the core. Doing that which would result in the most good for the largest number was the spirit that permeated the entire Tenth Convention. Democratic though ALPA has always been, never has the majority rule precept of democracy in action been more evident than at the Tenth Convention. It was this attribute that enabled the Tenth Convention to top and cap its own most democratic action—that of placing copilot and first pilot voting and office holding eligibility on a par—by itself electing a copilot to one of ALPA's major offices for the first time in history.

THE TENTH CONVENTION WAS UNIFIED. In whatever it did, in all of its actions, the Tenth Convention showed that ALPA was unified to a degree that it had possibly never been before. Its ranks were solid and unsplit to present the rare sight of many men of many ideas working as one to attain a common goal. It was this unanimity of purpose that gave the Tenth Convention strength.

THE TENTH CONVENTION WAS TYPICALLY ALPA. All of the finest traditions of ALPA and the air line piloting profession and all of the things that ALPA stands for were embodied in the Tenth Convention. It was this that enabled the Tenth Convention to do everything to benefit and strengthen the Air Line Pilots Association; nothing to conceivably harm or weaken it.

These were the rare and elusive attributes that made the Tenth
Convention what it was--the greatest and most successful in ALPA history. 
All these things an aggressive, take-the-bull-by-the-horns spirit, an open-minded approach to problems, a down-to-earth realism, an inbred sense of democracy, the strength of closed ranks, and the inspiration of high traditions -- were what spelt success for the Tenth Convention.  BECAUSE OF THEM,ALPA IS BOUND TO BE GREATER, STRONGER . . . THE FINEST REPRESENTING ORGANIZATION IN THE WORLD FOR A LONG TIME AND WE HOPE FOR ALL-TIME TO COME.

ALPA's hat is off to the men who gave it these things. Outstanding were the delegates to the Tenth Convention of ALPA.
- David L. Behncke

Forward Looking---Forward Moving---ALPA's Greatest
Another forward-looking and forward-moving chapter, fraught with all those elusive ingredients of lustrous drama, spontaneous inspiration, and creative sweat that breathe the life of imperishable history into great and memorable moments, was written into the annals of the Air Line Pilots Association in November as the Tenth Annual and Biennial Convention took its place in the record as the largest and greatest in ALPA's history.

The convening gavel callings ALPA's largest convention to order fell promptly at 10 a.m. in the Bal Tabarin Room of Chicago's Sherman Hotel on the morning of Tuesday, November 9, 1948, and the sine die adjourning gavel punctuated history with its echo at 4:15 a.m. on Monday, November 15, 1948--a weary five days, 16 hours and 15 minutes later.

Against a backdrop of 18 years of ALPA cumulative history--colorful displays flanking the entire convention hall and picturing the progress, accomplishments, and growth of ALPA--the Tenth Convention made indisputable history of its own that was recorded indelibly in the broad clean strokes of concrete accomplishments.

152 Delegates
Of all ALPA conventions--from the First Convention in 1932, which was attended by 19 delegates, to the 99-delegate Ninth Convention in 1947--the Tenth Convention, with 152 delegates, was by all odds the largest ever held and it lacked only 16 hours of surpassing the record length held by the Ninth Convention which was in session a total of six days, eight hours and fifteen minutes.

By unrelenting and virtually continuous work, which was approximately equally divided between floor and committee sessions, the Tenth Convention acted upon a total of 162 resolutions that touched upon all facets of ALPA activity and topics of interest and prime importance to the air line pilots, an all-time record of ALPA convention achievements.

High-Light Accomplishments

The minutes of the Tenth Convention are not available at this issue of the AIR LINE PILOT goes to press. However, here are some high-light accomplishments of the Tenth Convention:

● Complete equalization of the position of copilots and first pilots within the Association by amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws to permit copilots to hold office and to give copilots the same full voting power as first pilots.

● Authorization for steps to be taken by Headquarters that may ultimately result in the
(Continued on Page 7, Col. 3)

Words were the tools of the Tenth Convention and debate the furnace in which its accomplishments were forged. By the Convention's adjournment, many a delegate had shown himself a past master of logomachy and the words sometimes flew fast and furiously--loquaciously enough to compile the biggest record of any ALPA Convention, 1,722 pages of it. Here thunder-voiced A. J. O'Donnell, Pan American Airways, who proved to be one of the Convention's star orators, waxes eloquently to get in one of his many contributions to the record.


In Constant Memoriam

Active Duty
Air Force
Allen, K.N. - AA
Beadles, E.C. - UAL
Berger, H.A. - UAL
Bowen, W.S. - EAL
Campbell, M.H. - TWA
Caton, C.E. - EAL
Charleston, H.T. - AA
Darby, J.E. - C&S
Davis, W.E. - Continental
Diltz, H.C. - TWA
Doxey, W.S. - PAA
Duke, A.B. - EAL
Eyre, Lloyd - UAL
Folkers, H.J. - Braniff
Gray, W.B. - EAL
Greenlee, R.L. - UAL
Herndon, Thomas - UAL
Jackson, Walter - TWA
McDowell, H.C. - UAL
Mitchell, H.F. - Colonial
Mostoller, Charles - EAL
Nagel, John - MCA
Nelson, F.S. - WAL
Peterson, Warren - TWA
Roth, P.F. - EAL
Shafer, G.H. - TWA
Skelly, H.J. - AA
Trewek, J.M. - AA

Naval Reserve Active Duty
Jones, J.P. - EAL
Knudsen, Max - TWA
Nelson, R.G. - NEA
Roscoe, T.M. - TWA
Sparboe, J.H. - NWA
Williams, R.W. - EAL

Active Duty Marine Corps
Kimball, W.F. - TWA

Active - Accidental
Adams, J.B. - UAL
Amthor, W.E. - TWA
Anderson, Lloyd - UAL
Andert, P.A. - UAL
Antonio, S.B. - PCA
Bamberger, T.L. - TWA
Banegas, Antonio - TACA
Barrett, J.C., Jr. - PAA
Barron, J.M., Jr. - AA
Bates, C.F. - NWA
Bethel, A.T. - TWA
Beindorf, C.R. - UAL
Bickford, L.A. - Panagra
Bigelow, Edward - UAL
Bliven, L.H. - NWA
Blom, E.W. - UAL
Bogen, W.L. - WAE
Boghret, F.L. - TWA
Bolton, H.F. - TWA
Bontrager, C.M. - UAL
Borchers, Adrian - PAA
Bowen, J.E. - TWA
Bowen, L.L. - Braniff
Brandon, J.L. - UAL
Brand, W.J. - AA
Brenner, D.F. - NWA
Briggs, F.W. - AA
Briggs, W.P. - UAL
Brigman, R.M. - AA
Broghton, D.E. - UAL
Brown, D.W. - UAL
Brown, F.L. - UAL
Brown, H.B. - NEA
Brown, W.C. - PAA
Brunk, P.S. - PAA
Bryan, T.E. - AAA
Bucher, C.L. - PAA
Bucklin, Fred - PCA
Bullis, R.L. - PAA
Burks, J.A. - UAL
Burton, R.L. - Inland
Caneta, J.J. - EAL
Carpenter, B.A. - AA
Carson, S.A. - PCA
Chamberlain, C.B. - NWA
Christian, B.W. - NWA
Christian, F.J. Jr. - NWA
Clark, F.N. - Continental
Clayton, R.C. - C&S
Cohn, H.G. - WAS
Cole, D.C. - UAL
Coney, W.E. - EAL
Cooper, D.I. - AA
Cope, Alonzo - Marine Airways
Cox, Floyd - Ludington
Creekmore, R.N. - PCA
Dace, F.E. - WAL
Dally, B.H. - TWA
Davidson, W.A. - AA
Davis, A.W. - UAL
Davis, Douglas - EAL
DeCesare, Frank - Panagra
DeCesaro, J.G. - UAL
Dietz, S.G. - EAL
Dietze, R.H. - AA
Disoway, J.S. - Delta
Dixon, Andrew, Jr. - DAL
Dryer, D.F. - AA
Dunn, S.M. - Panagra
Dyjak, D.F. - AA
Eitner, R.G. - AA
Elder, McLemore - AA
Elzsey, R.M. - PAA
Enger, G.E. - NWA
Fey, Howard - UAL
Fidroeff, W.M. - WAL
Fields, G.T. - AA
Fife, M.L. - AA
Fischer, J.F. - NWA
Fortner, W.F. - EAL
Foster, L.A. - PAA
Francis, D.B. - AA
Fuller, R.E. - AA
Funkhouser, R.W - TWA
Gay, R.A. - AA
Gardner, G.W. - Panagra
Gentry, J.N. - PAA
George, Hal - TWA
Gill, D.N. - TWA
Gillette, M.A. - TWA
Golden, Glenn - AA
Gower, V.I. - Delta
Griesbach, G.C. - UAL
Grover, R.B. - UAL
Haid, A.A. - NWA
Hale, S.H. - EAL
Hallgren, W.A. - AA
Ham, F.M., Jr. - AA
Harlow, L.R. - NEA
Hart, J.F. - NWA
Hart, J.H. - PAA
Haskew, H.M. - EAL
Hedenquist, W.A. - TWA
Henson, C.M. - PAA
Herndon, J.T. - UAL
Hill, G.W. - AA
Holbrook, C.M. - AA
Holloway, G.L. - Delta
Holsenbeck, W.M. - PAA
Holstrom, A.E. - TWA
Howell, P.P. - TWA
Hunt, Edward - PAA
Ice, J.R. - Inland
Inman, R.R. - TWA
Inman, W.B. - EAL
Ireland, B.L. - Continental
Jackson, Walter - TWA
Jakel, F.C. - PAA
Jameiller, S.E. - Continental
Jameison, W.L. - EAL
Johnson, R.L. - NWA
Jones, H.H. - PCA
Jones, L.E. - UAL
Jones, W.H. - UAL
Josselyn, John - PCA
Judd, O.K. - PAA
Kelley, R.A., Jr. - EAL
Kelsey, H.J. - AA
Kennedy, V.G. - TWA
Kincannon, T.N. - AA
King, G.B. - PAA
King, J.O. - EAL
Knight, R. S. - EAL
Komdat, A.C. - EAL
Kroeger, J.H. - PAA
Kuser, R.E. - EAL
Lamb, C.S. - UAL
LaMontagne, R.L. - AA
Lewis, H.C. - TWA
Livermore, Joe - NWA
Loeffler, E.J. - WAL
Lucas, Al - WAS
Lucas, Verne - Ludington
Lynn, J. B. - C&S
McAfee, William - PAA
McCauley, J.R. - AA
McClemens, K.J. - NEA
McCoy, R.S. - PAA
McKeirnan, P.S. - TWA
McLaughlin, J.J. - AA
McMickle, Harold - Panagra
McMillen, E.L. - UAL
Majors, R.R - AA
Mallick, F.E. - UAL
Mamer, N.B. - NWA
Marshall, G.V. - AA
Merrifield, A.S. - UAL
Martin, K.R. - NWA
Miller, B. D. - AA
Miller, G.D. - NWA
Miller, G.J. - WAL
Miller, W. H. - UAL
Miner, W.H., Jr. - EAL
Monsen, A.N. - PAA
Montee, Ralph -TWA
Montijo, J.G. - VAT
Morgan, H.R. - TWA
Morgan, H.W. - PAA
Mossman, R.C. - C&S
Neff, Harold - UAL
Nilsen, N.A. - TWA
Noe, E.J. - TWA
Norby, R.B. - NWA
Nordbeck, H.T. - NEA
Obri, Fred - PAA
O'Brien, W.E. - PCA
Odell, M.T. - AA
Olson, K.S. - NWA
Onsgard, Alden - NWA
Owens, C.P. - WAE
Palau, E.M. - TACA
Parker, A.N. - TWA
Paschal, Archie - PAA
Paulis, Raymond - PCA
Pedley, C.F. - AA
Pell, J.N. - PCA
Perry, J.A. - EAL
Person, A.G. - PAA
Petry, R. - NWA
Phillips, W.M.S. - EAL
Pickup, C.V. - UAL
Pielemeir, H.E. - AA
Pitman, C.V. - Avianca
Poe, K.N. - Avianca
Porter, G.H. - AAA
Potter, N.W. - UAL
Proebstle, Roy - NWA
Pursley, C.H. - Panagra
Quale, R.J. - AA
Radoll, R.W. - UAL
Raley, R.J. - NWA
Repack, W.T. - PCA
Rhew, J.N. - C&S
Riggs, R.S. - AA
Robbins, W.J.B. - AA
Rose, J.A. - KLM
Rousch, C.W. - NWA
Rust, F.H. - AA
Salisbury, H.M. - TWA
Saltanis, P.J. - EAL
Sandblom, J. B. - CP
Sandgren, T.E. - UAL
Sands, R.E. - UAL
Sauceda, J.M. - PAA
Schember, R.C. - UAL
Schwartzbach, M.D. - WAL
Scott, P.T.W. - TWA
Scott, P.C. - UAL
Scroggins, L.V. - PCA
Shank, E.S. - NWA
Sharpnack, J.W. - UAL
Sheets, D.K. - Panagra
Sherwood, G.E. - WAL
Smith, G. E. - TWA
Smoot, C. H. - Braniff
Snowden, J.P. - TWA
Stark, Horace - PCA
Steen, J.L. - PAA
Stehle, W.C. - AA
Stoner, S.E. - AA
Stroud, J.E. - AA
Stulz, H.L. - TWA
Sumrall, M.B. - PAA
Supple, R.E. - Panagra
Swander, L.D. - National
Tarrant, H.R. - UAL
Terletzky, Leo - PAA
Thomas, L.E. - EAL
Thompson, A.R. - UAL
Turbine, Robert, Panagra
Underwood, S.L. - AA
Vance, C.K. - UAL
VanCleef, J.G. - NWA
Vanderbusch, R.E. - NWA
Tenderly, P.W. - AA
Wagar, G.K. - UAL
Waldron, Joe - AA
Walker, M.A. - PAA
Wallace, C.W. - TWA
Wallace, E. G. - PAA
Warner, George - UAL
Wasil, N.A. - TWA
Watkins, E.C. - AA
Weber, R.J. - WAL
Weeks, R.E. - TWA
West, F.W. - NWA
Westerfield, W.R. - AOA
Whidden, R.G. - NEA
Wieselmayer, Otto - PAA
Wilson, W.C. - AA
Williams, W.C. - TWA
Williamson, P.B. - EAL
Willingham, K.V. - EAL
Winkler, F.X. - TWA
Witt, Porter - NWA
Worthen, J.A. - WW
Wright, J.S. - TWA
Young, G.E. - UAL
Zeier, C.F. - C&S
Zundel, W.R. - AA

Blomgren, L.L. - AA
Carl, A.C. - PCA
Chiappino, L.J. - TWA
Cochran, R.M. - UAL
Colton, Ray - UAL
Couch, L.H., Jr. - PAA
Currier, C.L. - TWA
Dunn, G.B. - NWA
Durance, J.C. - EAL
Fife, J.A. - CA
Gambee, H.T. - TWA
Gilbert, P.L. - PAA
Griffin, L.B. - Panagra
Hohag, R.J. - NWA
Hubbard, D.L. - NWA
Jamieson, L.S. - EAL
Jaster, F.B. - EAL
Johnson, P.E. - UAL
Knight, J.H. - UAL
Leist, G.G. - PCA
Maguire, R.C. - AA
McConaughey, I.M. - AA
Peterson, J.M. - NWA
Phelps, H.T. - PAA
Rhoades, G.I. - PAA
Rosenberger, W.S. - PCA
Schmitz, George - TWA
Schier, Tip - Delta
Swanson, Axel - AA
Shepard, E.W. - PAA
Taylor, V.W. - NWA
Wagner, M.J. - PCA
Wallace, E.G. - PAA
Wallace, J.L. - UAL
Winston, W.A. - PAA
Wittenberg, F.E. - UAL

Anderline, F.W.
Anderson, W.D.
Ashford, Ted
Barr Julius
Brown, W.C.
Burford, D.W.
Caldwell, G.Q.
Cushing, G.R.
Drayton, C.M.
Fisher, A.O.F.
Griebel, G.S.
Hines, K.F.
Holland, Glenn A.
Hulsman, H.W.
Hunter, L.W.
Jackson, L.A.
Jennings, Spencer
Judy, H.R.
Kerwin, J.J.
Latz, W.G.
Leak, E.L.
Lorber, C.A.
McMakin, R.A.
Miller, G.D.
Mills, Arthur
Mitchell, R.L.
Moser, J.M.
Noyes, D.L.
Ormsbee, F.E.
Palmer, D.G.
Riddle, G.L.
Roulstone, J.J.
Rousch, U.E.
Shelton, B.M.
Squire, J.P.L.
Stark, H.C.
Tinkle, H.A.
Van Alstyne, Hugh, Jr.
Veblen, E.H.
Walbridge, D.C.
Warner, Roy
Wheaton, H.H.
Whittemore, F.W.
Wolf, J.F.
Willey, S.L.
Zimmerman, H.J.

Waiting List
Brock, W.S.
Clark, W.H.
Kiser, Daniel
Langmack, D.F.
Latz, W.G.

Downs, Lloyd
Hays, G.L.
Keadle, F.E.
Little, R.J.
Miner, R.I.
Rhiner, L.R.
Straith, W.P.A.

Wright, Orville
LaGuardia, Fiorello H.
Brisbane, Arthur
Greene, Dr. Ralph
Kelly, Hon. Clyde
Rogers, Will

ALPA Employees in Line of Duty
Munch, F.O.

November, 1948     THE AIR LINE PILOT     Three

Without Fanfare, Convention Committees Do the Spadework

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In the privacy of little rooms--the committee rooms--far removed from the pageantry, pomp and ever-moving panorama of action of the Convention floor, the real personality of a Convention takes shape; and there, too, lies the real key to its success or failure.

That the Tenth Convention committees did their job well, there is no greater testimonial than the success of the Convention itself. It is in the committees that basic ideas are born, the solutions to many problems ferreted out, and the raw material turned into a completed product for presentation on the Convention floor to be acted upon by the delegates.

All the delegates of the Tenth Convention served upon one of the ten committees which processed a record of 162 resolutions, the greatest number ever acted upon by an ALPA Convention. Listed according to committees, the number of which corresponds to the numbered pictures, they are:

(1) COMMITTEE ON FINANCE, DUES AND PENSION: Standing (l. to r.): R. F. Eckert, PAA; E. J. Lenhardt, Capital; R. D. Smith, EAL; H. V. Woodall, AA; P. B. Barnard, MCA; R. S. Kraskey, Colonial. Seated (l. to r.): R. W. Brady, UAL; R. M. Tedlock, EAL; D. E. Burch, NAL; E. J. Martin, chairman, AOA; W. W. Betts, Braniff; A. Fernandez, UAL; G. G. Yerdon, Capital. Missing photography: J. R. Lyons, AA; M. J. Balog, Capital; H. V. Woodall, AA.

(2) COMMITTEE ON EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENTS, SALARIES, HOURS AND EMPLOYMENT CONDITIONS: Standing (l. to r.): W. G. Coss, CAL; H. B. Manual, PCA; W. C. Morton, Delta; W. H. Snelling, NAL. Seated (l. to r.): S. T. Hopkins, C&S; G. A. Henderson, NWA; R. J. Holm, PAA; J. B. Warner, EAL; W. K. Rawlinson, PAA; F. A. Spencer, AA; Floyd Addison, chairman, Delta; A. L. Nelson, EAL; J. W. Wise, Empire. Missing photography: E. E. Basham, AA; T. J. Rucker, Captial; C. Cowley, Challenger.

(3) COMMITTEE ON CAR & LEGISLATION COMMITTEE: Standing (l. to r.): I. R. A. Cumming, NEA; P. K. Bonde, UAL; H. W. Phillips, HAL; J. J. O'Connell, AA; R. M. Ricketts, Pioneer. Seated (l. to r.): C. E. Aagard, WAL; M. W. Dail, TWA; J. Timko, Panagra; R. H. Cuthbertson, PAA; F. N. Featherstone, UAL; H. C. Ross, chairman, Capital; G. R. Lockhart, UAL. Missing in photograph: E. E. Maulsby, Captial; C. N. Sayen, Braniff; G. W. Becker, AA; K. A. Woolsey, TWA.

(4) COMMITTEE ON WAYS AND MEANS AND MISCELLANEOUS: Standing (l. to r.): D. S. Shipley, AA; J. S. Bumby, Fla.; J. B. Kidd, WAL; Wayne Martin, Panagra; R. H. Calkins, AA; E. G. Brown, Capital; R. C. Kammer, Delta; R. C. Reid, TWA; O. S. Abrahamsen, PAA; H. M. Harkcom, AA. Seated (l. to r.): L. E. Musgrove, Capital; W. T. Babbitt, chairman, EAL; E. M. Black, PAA. Missing in photograph: J. H. Brink, PAA; R. F. Whitting, Alaska; R. G. Derickson, TWA.

(5) COMMITTEE ON NOMINTAIONS AND RESOLUTIONS: Standing (l. to r.): H. W. Spores, CAL; G. R. Shoemaker, AA; C. M. Mayer, Capital; L. L. Treece, UAL; V. M. Williams, UAL; R. G. Fussell, Panagra; R. E Branch, AA; J. R. McDonald, Capital. Seated (l. to r.): J. F. Scott, AOA; J. E. Sheasby, WAL; Bryan Whisenhunt, EAL; C. H. Ruby, chairman, NAL; F. W. Saul, PAA. Missing in photograph: D. H. McDonald, Challenger.

(6) COMMITTEE ON AIRWAY AIDS AND AIR SAFETY: Standing (l. to r.): R. P. Cosgrove, UAL; R. M. McCoy, CAL; F. S. Aitken, UAL; H. L. Bill, NWA; D. A> Martin, MCA; C. H. Mosman, Deltal; B. J. Anderson, Pioneer; R. O. Brenner, C&S. Seated (l. to r.): R. E. Pekrul, Capital; D. C. Acuff, AA; J. H. Burns, chairman, AA. Missing in photograph: H. E. Clark, Colonial; W. R. Nixon, Delta; L. T. Ryan, TWA; R. E. Gray, Capital; D. K. Peters, West Coast.

(7) COMMITTEE ON GRIEVANCE AND MEMBERSHIP: Standing (l. to r.): George Gay, TWA; J. S. Hale, West Coast; W. D. Dodd, EAL; S. J. Cavill, WAL; Robert Quin, Trans-Texas; J. W. Hayes, AA; W. H. Jones, EAL; J. R. Cottle, UAL. Seated (l. to r.): D. W. Richwine, TWA; C. H. Kunz, C&S; E. J. Pepin, HAL; C. M. Horn, WAL; S. E. Pangburn, chairman, AA. Missing photograph: J. E. Carroll, UAL.

(8) COMMITTEE ON INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS: Standing (l. to r.): R. E. Butler, PAA; G. C. Bewley, NWA; G. B. Fitzgerald, TWA; M. G. Florence, MCA; F. S. Blaney, TWA; F. G. Sargent, TWA; E. D. Perry, PAA; W. F. Bettwy, AA; A. R. Seaman, EAL; Joe Sutherland, AA; J. H. Whisonant, PAA. Seated: A. J. O'Donnell, chairman, PAA. Missing in photograph: P. J. Day, PAA; F. L. Smith, Capital; L. C. Akins, C&S; D. W. Harp, Panagra.

(9) COMMITTEE ON BY-LAWS AND ORGANIZATION: Standing (l. to r.): C. J. Delk, NAL; C. L. Scarborough, Delta; E. A. LePenske, UAL; George Griener, EAL; R. J. Bertele, AA; R. B. Bartley, C&S; A. W. Wall, TWA. Seated (l. to r.): P. J. Quigley, EAL; A. F. Foster, chairman, TWA; J. G. Anderson, PAA; L. H. Mouden, MCA; F. M. Hart, Monarch; W. M. O'Meara, Monarch. Missing in photograph: A. E. Smith, TWA; W. J. McDonough, Capital; H. G. Hoyt, TWA.

(10) COMMITTEE ON ENGINEERING AND AIR SAFETY: L. to r.: J. D. Thompson, Alaska; R. F. Render, NWA; C. F. Hamner, EAL; J. H. Kelly, PAA; W. A. Williamson, Trans-Texas; Clayton Stiles, chairman, UAL; S. Mikkelson, PAA; B. J. Higgs, WAL; W. B. Calhoun, UAL; H. H. Bissell, EAL; R. D. Loranger, NEA; V. G. Castle, Empire. Missing in photography: K. D. Wright, Delta; C. Tschirgi, TWA; W. H. Drummond, AA; G. M. Corbett, CAL; E. L. Olson, TWA; J. W. Knight, AA.

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Transcription Notes:
"In Constant Memoriam" section was done first. Need to finish sections before and after. Completed through paragraph before "These were the rare ...." near bottom of first column. Rest of text transcribed