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New York University
College of Engineering
University Heights, New York
Office of the Dean
December 17, 1943

Captain Michael A. Gitt
148-25 Bayside Avenue
Flushing, New York

My dear Captain Gitt:

This is a belated acknowledgment of your letter of November 29 outlining your ideas with reference to a mechanical apparatus for the study of meteorological phenomena, related particularly to the pilot and operation of his aircraft. Professor Giannini, with whom you talked when you were here, is undertaking to make some tentative designs of apparatus of a simple character which can be used to test out the validity of your ideas, and as soon as these sketches and cost estimates have been prepared, we will let you know. We feel that something fairly inexpensive and simple should be used in the first place to test out the practicability of the idea, and then expand the projects as circumstances warrant.

Very sincerely,
Thorndike Saville
Thorndike Saville

Copy to Professor Giannini