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Mr. Michael Gitt
148-25 Bayside Avenue 
Flushing, New York

Dear Mr. Gitt:

1.      Confirming our telephone conversation of the other day concerning the possiblity of Sperry doing some work in connection with your idea on a weather box, I have the following remarks to make.

2.      After due consideration it was decided that the Sperry Company could not release engineering personnel to work on this project at present or for some time to come; However, it is not intended that this distract from the importance of such a device. It only means that pressure on other projects is very great Therefore, I would suggest that you contact Capt. A. F. Spillhouse who is a very competent student and teacher of meteorological phenomena. Capt. Spillhouse, now in the army, was formerly associated with the Guggenheim School of Aeronautics of New York University. He can be reached by writing to 5029 Goodridge Avenue, Fieldston, Bronx, New York. No doubt he will be able to give you many helpful suggestions regarding the feasibility of your device. Furthermore, these discussions may help crystalize the general idea and tend to speed up any work which might might be done at a later date. It may even be possible to induce Capt. Spillhouse to conduct a certain amount of preliminary experimentation. Thus, if his cooperation is attained and the idea still appears to be feasible, it is quite possible that we may be able to apply some engineering time at a future date. If you desire, I would be very glad to get in touch with Capt. Stillhouse to discuss the matter with him and try to set a date for you to see him.

3.       On the matter of meteorological training films, I understant that they have been used by the Boeing School of Aeronautics at Oakland, California as as three or four years. Either somebody has over-looked bet here or, as you say, they are not very successful because they certainly are not in general use.

Very truly yours,

By Carl a frische
Carl A. Frische
Chief Research director