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Mr. O.J. Hartwig, Executive Secretary
Long Island Home Builders Institute 
570 Fulton Avenue
Hempstead, New York.

March 5, 1953

Dear Mr. Hartwhig,

I am the purchaser of a new home at 94 Kings Point Road, Kings Point, New York.

This Is the first home I have ever owned. Needless to say, My experience in buying this home was nil. However as so often is the case, after one moves into his new home, he soon begins to find out what he has purchased. Now after six months of occupancy in looking around my home I find certain changes taking place that to say the least leaves me somewhat astounded. For example the floor beams and headers strung up without any visible means of support. An outside brick veneer wall with no foundation under the brick.The brick wall appears to be simply suspended in the midair. This just a couple of things that have come to my attention. Of courseI am no expert, in all this although it does appear that I am fast becoming aware of some of the things a home owner should know.

Now what I would like to know is, how does one go about finding out all about this new home I purchased six months ago.I have put out my lifes savings to make this home possible. It is the fulfillment of a dream. Did I get an honest house? was this house built conscientiously? Does the Long Island Home Builders Institute have a moral and ethical building code? Is the A. J. and W. Construction of 1191 Carroll Street, Brooklyn25,  New York, the builders, and from whom I purchased my house a member of the Institute? Has my home been built to any standard? In short what Can I do about all this?

Of Course I haveindicated my doubts and missgivings the Builder on accasion to numerous to mention. I am now beginning to think that I am getting a polite brush off. So far nothing has been done, even though I have received many promises that my problems would be taken care of, verbally an in writing.

What should I do? What can I do ?

Sincerely yours, 

Michael A. Gitt. 
94 Kings Point Road
Kings Point, New York.

Jerry and Arthur Lender