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Mr. Jerry Wender
A. J. & W. Construction Comp.
Brooklyn, New York. 

August 23, 1952.

Dear Jerry,

As of today, the following things remain to be done on the premises of 94 Kings Point Road, Great Neck Long Island :

1. Electric outlets in two bedrooms inoperative,also the hall bathroom.Check out all switches.

2. Leak in left hand sink in Master Bath Room.

3. Diswasher leaks. ALSO INSTALL-SHUT-VALVE.

4. Flashing around waste vent line in roof leaks.

5. Toilet bowls in both bath rooms loose and wobbly. Both bowls require two more bolts each to secure the front ends and also should be cemented in place. The fastening bolts should also be secured and made watertight.

6. Make permanent repairs to " washout"in driveway.

7. Replace broken knobs on mirror in master bathroom.

8. Install missing knobs on kitchen cabinet.

9. Clean out waste trap area in basement and cover same.

10.Clean out garage: remove encrusted cement. 

11. Fit all radiator covers securly and in place.

12. Clean fireplace brick, remove all stains.

As far as I know, that is all that remains to be done in order to complete the home for delivery. Should you know of any other work that should be done will you take care of that also.

Thankyou for your courtesy and cooperation, I am,

Sincerely yours, 

Michael A. Gitt

This work to be completed by Sept. 15, 1952
AJW Construction Corp
JerryWender sec

Transcription Notes:
It is [[?]] for unknown word, not [[??]]