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Mr. Manning
The Bank For Savings
280 Fourth Avenue
New York 10, New York.

April 13,1954.

Dear Mr. Manning,

I have this day talked with Mr.Hibbard and Mr. Donleavy of your Bank for consideration of allowing me to pay for my own fire insurance on my property. You hold me mortgage $ 55445. At Mr. Donleavys suggestion I am writing this letter to you.

I wish to convert all of my insurance on my home to one policy,i.e. fire,theft,household possessions and public liability, etc. I can do this at a considerable saving to myself and also provide more complete protection to the both of us. Should the Bank be agreeable, I would like to arrange to pay the premium myself as they will be made in three annual payments. The policy as here to for will be in your possession.

Thankyou for your consideration, I am,

Sincerely yours,

Michael A. Gitt
94 Kings Point Road
Kings Point,New York