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Transcription: [01:36:00]
{SPEAKER name="Wendy Lim (Interviewee)"}
...Maryland graduate student. I forget what she was working on but I think it was like Asian American women and then we had another gal from Maryland U, Wei-Li, who was working more from the geographic point of view, she wanted to be involved. She came in a little bit later, she helped us translate. So when we were able to, got an okay for the grant, it was like 1989.

{SPEAKER name="Wendy Lim (Interviewee)"}
So we started to meet at my house, pretty much at my house, pretty weekly, and I think um as far as parameters, we didn't know exactly how to go about doing it because we didn't know what we would find. 'Cause the initial search for what Eastern Wind did back in the '70s, we didn't find very much here in the D.C. Public, um at the Martin Luther King Library. If there um, I don't know what the section is called, for--

{SPEAKER name="Samir Meghelli, Ph.D. (Interviewer)"}

{SPEAKER name="Wendy Lim (Interviewee)"}
Washingtonium. So wasn't very much in the folder that they had for them. I guess things were dispersed or refiled.

{SPEAKER name="Wendy Lim (Interviewee)"}
So we did find a little bit of information, so as we started to do research we just, I guess, I think we kept an open mind until we kind of finished the research to see what we had, um. We found-- what for the early Chinatown we found much information primarily through the newsletters like the Washington Post, the Washington um, the Times um--

{SPEAKER name="Samir Meghelli, Ph.D. (Interviewer)"}
The Star.

{SPEAKER name="Wendy Lim (Interviewee)"}
The Star.

Uh, so Xi Quan also went to the archives in the Library of Congress. She found a few things there, uh, not much but we did find a few things. And so from there, we kind of just figured out what is it that we want to do: what focus, what type of material--