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[[top left clipping]]
[[9 Images of athletes, each number corresponds with its respective image]]
1-Davis, end; one of Hampton's best wingmen. 2-Union is temporarily held at bay by Va. Normal in their game last Saturday. 3-Epps, Va. Normal's brilliant quarterback. His running was outstanding in the game with the Panthers. 4-Miller, captain and aggressive guard of the N. C. Aggies. 5-Coleman scored the first touchdown in the game against Hampton. 7-"Bulldog" Williams, who came back, after the Aggies scored and made two touchdowns for Hampton that won the game. 8-Captain Lee, Hampton's fighting tackle. 9-This picture shows Union going over for a tally against Va. Normal, with McFarland carrying the ball.

[[Bottom left clipping]]
Hampton Institute
[[2 column chart]]
|3|Va. Seminary --- 3|
|20|N. C. State ---- 0|
|31|Va. N. & I. --- 7|
|14|St. Paul --- 3|
|23|Shaw --- 0|
|14|A. & T. --- 6|
|49|J. C. Smith --- 0|
|12|Union --- 0|

[[Top right clipping]]
Aggies Scores First; But Seasiders Backs Came Back Strong. "Bull" Williams is Outstanding Performer of Fray.

McGowan-----L. E.-------Jordan
Lee, E------L. T.-------Coles
Robinson----L. G.-----Konnegg
Banks-------R. G.-----Lane, W.
Ruffin------R. T.-----Miller
Davis-------R. E.----Streeter
Byrd--------Q. B.---Henderson
Williams----H. B.----Coleman
Baker-------H. B.------Wilson
Thatcher----F. B.------Lane, J.
Substitutes: Hampton; Hunter for Lee, Harris for thatcher; A. & T., Bell for W. Lane, Pester for Ramsay for Tate, Tate for Henderson, Cunningham for W. Lane, Lee for Wilson, Conegie for Stree.
Referee: Trigg (Syracuse); Contee, (Howard). Head Linesman, Clements, (Northwestern).
Greensboro, N. C.-Hampton came from the rear in the last of a game that stood 6-0 in favor of A. & T., and gave her rival the worst defeat of the season. It was the hardest contested, cleanest, and the most brilliantly played game ever witnessed, between these contenders for C. I. A. A. honors. A large crowd witnessed the Bulldogs go down fighting a good game before the victorious rally of the Seasiders on Cone Field, that ended 14-6 in favor of the Seasiders, Williams, of Hampton, broke through A. & T's line twice for the winning tallies in the final quarter.
The first half and the first part of the third quarter can easily be conceded to the fighting aggregation of Bulldogs. A punting duel was engaged in from the beginning of the game between Baker, of Hampton, and Coleman of A. & T. The Bulldogs in this way many times forced Hampton to kick from a dangerous position. The advantage also can be given to A. & T. on the yards gained, by the powerful and aggressive fullback Lane. This roving fullback indeed was a menace to Hampton on the offense and the defense, or whenever plays were brought thru

"Bulldog" Williams 11 w[[text cut off]]
ticked off 37 yards for one[[text cut off]]
Hampton's tallies against Union