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Norfolk Journal Guide 
Nov. 12, 1927

Hampton Institute, Va., Nov. 7 -
Dr. James E. Gregg, principal of Hampton Institute, in a meeting of college students and faculty, recently called by Dean William Stark, announced that Hampton Institute is now recognized and accredited by the State Department of Education of Virginia as a standard technical and professional college, a classification which places its teachers training work on a parity with that of the State teachers' colleges at Farmville, Harrisburg, and Fredericksburg. "It is fair to say," he said, "that Hampton is doing work now equal to that being given in these institutions and builders and librapzfi -? (.. a shrdlu dl more, for Hampton is training not only teachers, but business men, builders, and librarians in its college, none of which is yet done in these other institutions. Hampton is not a liberal arts college and should never seek to be. The liberal arts colleges are already numerous enough both North and South. The distinctive place of highest usefulness of Hampton is without question what the State Department indicated - that of a technical and professional college, developing teachers of agriculture, home economics, physical education, music, teachers for the high and elementary schools, for business and librarians. Hampton should be second to none, seeking quality above quantity, with the highest standards of instruction and performance, graduating men and women known for their ability to do their work and for their character, wherever they go. Hampton does not want to lose any of the characteristics which included wholesome respect for hard work and hand skill, as well as for character, moral fitness, trustworthiness, and dependability. 

               IRWIN SCORE BOARD 
                  FOOTBALL GAME

                  ST. PAUL 
              [Signature] W. B. Williams 

               RUSSELL FIELD

               Saturday, Oct. 21,'22