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Administrative Board Ends General Strike By Drastic Order


(Staff Correspondence)
Hampton Institute, Va. Oct. 13—The Administrative Board of Hampton Institute met today, Thursday, October 13, to consider the student strike, and at the conclusion of the meeting issued the following official order:

Hampton Institute is closed until further notice. Students who desire to remain may be permitted to stay on the grounds until class work can be resumed, provided that the satisfy the school authorities of their loyalty; their purpose to obey the rules of the school and to or-
erate to pres


Report Has it That Entire Student Body of 900 Failed to Attend Classes Yesterday Dute to Dispute.

Daily Press Oct 11, 1927

The nine hundred or more students of the Hampton Normal school "we[[nt]] on strike" yesterday and declined [[to]] attend the various classes during t[[he]] day.

It was said that the students to[[ok]] exception to a moving picture giv[[en]] at the school Saturday night, wh[[en a]] complaint was made that the ligh[[ts]] in the hall were not turned off a[[nd]] thus marred the picture to some extent. It was also said that the students opposed the rules requiring students to be on the grounds ear[[ly]] in the evenings, and that one or tw[[o]] other requests were made to the faculty for privileges the studen[[ts]] desire.

When the requests were refused, it is said, that the entire stude[[nt]] body decided to stay away from th[[eir]] classes, so that yesterday morni[[ng]] the action of the student body w[[as]] carried out.

Representatives of the classes we[[re]] said to have attempted to conf[[er]] with the school committee yesterda[[y,]] but the authorities are reported [[to]] having declined to meet the committee until all the students return[[ed]] to their classes.

It was expected last night th[[at]] the trouble will be ironed out tod[[ay,]] and those in charge felt that t[[he]] students will be back in their class[[es]] during today.

This is the first time in the history of the Hampton Normal sch[[ool,]] it is reported, that the complete student body has "gone on strike" [[and]] refused to attend classes.

students. Demands that their committee be heard were met with a flat refusal on the part of officials, who asserted that they would, however, hear the grievances of the committee, once they returned to their classes.

Grievances Numerous
The students accordingly returned [[to]] their classes Tuesday afternoon. [[It]] seems that the Saturday night affair was merely a fan to a smouldering heap of grievances, which had been waiting for such an occasion to become overt. Unofficial reports have it that both college and academy students insist upon greater social privileges, changes in disciplinary methods, changes in the personnel of the ade school instructional staff and [[so]]me changes in the present curriculum, in addition to other more tri[[vial]] demands.

Board Meets Committee
[[T]]uesday night the Administrative


(Continued from page 1)
James Hall Storm Center
Most of the college students live in James Hall, and when inspectors made their regular rounds Sunday morning, they found doors locked and the young men unprepared for inspection. At the morning church service, at dinner, and at the evening chapel service, the students refused to sing.

Transcription Notes:
cut-off words are completed in double brackets