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Cheney Wins Scholastic Meet; Booker Washington Wins Virginia Relays

Collegiate Points
Hampton..............36 1/2
Virginia State College......51 1/2
Fort Valley H. and I. School 5
Tuskegee.................... 4

Scholastic Points
Cheney Training School ....26
Bordentown  ...............22
Booker T. Washington High   9
Huntington High ..........  8
Armstrong Tech, D. C.  .... 8
Mannasses ................. 8
Union High ................ 7
Middlesex County Tr. School... 2
Princess Anne ..............1

Hampton Institute, May 12.—Lincoln University, represented by twenty-five men, ran riot over Hampton and Union to win the collegiate division of the C. I. A. A. Track Meet, while Cheney of Pennsylvania had a close run to win in the scholastic section of the meet held on Armstrong Field on Saturday. Lincoln came first with 49 points. Hampton with 36 1-2 points, and Union University third with 26 points in the collegiate division; in the scholastic section Cheney was first with 25 points, Bordentown was second with 22 points, and Booker T. Washington High was third with nine points.

The exciting and thrilling race of the day was the sprint medley which was won by Union. Alon with the winning of the race went the Southern Aid Society of Virginia Trophy. The race was close from start to finish, and it seemed for a time that Hampton was going to capture it but her anchor man, Calloway, could not muster up enough energy to come in ahead.

Hamptton [[Hampton]] Wins Relay
Hampton and Tuskegee ran the relay for the Robert S. Abbott Trophy. Hampton had little competition but even though the race not; close Hampton's time was only 4-10 of a second off thte [[the]] old record set by Hampton in 1923. Captain Booker of Union set a new record in the broad jump by over leaping the old record 1 foot 6 inches. This record is remarkable in that 24 feet 1 inch is quite a distance to be sailing through the air. Captain Booker was also entered in all of the dashes adn [[and]] the relay. Two other records that fell were those set by Robert A. Coles for the mile and two mile runs. Mitchell of Lincoln clipped 7-10 of a second off the mile record and 1 and 8-10 seconds from the two mile record. Mitchell was quite an attraction as he ran both races with perfect ease. Lincoln set another record when Bryant threw the shat [[shot]] put 40 feet 7 1-2 iches [[inches]], which is 1 foot 6 inches farther than the old record.

Collings Wins 220
In the century dash great things were expected of Colling, the star of the Tuskegee Meet from Fort Valley High and Industrial School, but he could not make the stride and fell just after crossing the finishing line. In the 220 yard dash, however, he stepped into a class all by himself. He won the 220 yard dash with Breaux and Webb, both of Union, close at his heels. His time was 22 1-5 seconds, in the face of a head wind.

In the scholastic section one record fell when Diggs, Union High of Hampton made a scholastic record even with the colleglate record of the pole vabit.

In the 440 yard dash for the James L Thatcher Cup, Baldwin ran a beautiful race to win in a field of twenty contestants. In the start he was boxed in neatly, but cut out and took lead about 220 yards from the start and finished well ahead of the pack with a time of 41.8 seconds.

Williams Runs Last Race

Bulldog Williams, a  record holder for the high hurdles, ran his last race for the Hampton and won Coles, an ew track star for Hampton, drove in second. 

The meet as a while was well managed under the skillful direction of Howard P. Drew, one of the joint record holders of the 100 yard dash. The events went off smoothly with the hundred athletes in action at all times. 

The William S. Parker Trophy for the half mile went to Silvera of Lincoln. The trophy is the statuette of a runner done in silver. It was one of the best trophies at the meet. Also, the beautiful Frank a. Young National High School One Mile Relay Cup went to Mannassas after a hard fight with Bordentown. Bordentown had a strong lead all the way, until the last lap, then Mannassas's strong anchor man picked up the lead and won. 

Summary on Page 6

[images] Some Features of Hampton Meet.

[below the images]

Top photo, right, shows Bulldog William, running in last race for the Blue and White, at the Seventh Annual Track and Field meet at Hampton last Saturday, winning the 120-yard high hurdles. Williams holds the record in this event. Left, Beslow, anchor man of the Booker Washington High School relay team, winning the Virginia Relay, to take a leg on the trophy. Bottom, Slim Booker, of Union, winning the 100-yard dash, after getting off on a bad start.