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[[Stack of several clipping]]

[[top piece of paper]]
Social Service Club
Spring Greetings

"And what is so rare as a day in June 
Then if ever, comes perfect days; 
Then heaven tries earth if it be in tune 
And over it softly her warm ear lays."

[[second paper under stack, text is obstructed]]
[[?]] lingered near,
And waited patiently about
Till Mary [[M in Mary is underlined with the number 4 beneath]] did appear.

"What makes the lamb love Mary so?
The eager children cry.
"Oh, Mary loves the lamb, you know,"
The teacher did reply.

[[third paper under stack, text is obstructed/incomplete]]
seemed to be the greatest favorite, for the Club was forced to sing it twice before the audience was willing to disperse.
After the recital the Club was served dinner in the Bank Street Church. Here the Club listened to a short talk given by the Pastor of the church.


'25 Class Honors Pankey
Sunday, May 13, a breakfast was given in the Home Economics Building in honor of Mr. Aubrey Pankey, a member of the '25 class of the Academy. Fourteen members of the '25 class were responsible for the affair. Mr. Pankey, a baritone soloist, gave a recital in the school auditorium on the previous night, and for classmates to come together and congratulate him on the success he has achieved. In addition to Mr. Pankey the invited guests were: Dr. Alain Locke, Dr. and Mrs. Dett, and Miss Louise Barbour. Miss Ruby Trueheart was the hostess for the occasion.

The best of food served at all times.
Meals served at all hours.
Banquets and parties a specialty.
Open from 7 a. m. until 10 p. m.
For quality see

[[text ripped of the edge or folded over]]
search for treasure. Some causes are not far to seek. They may be classified thus:
1 Wealth has popularized college education in America. Many persons are carried along in the crowd without any will of their own.
2 The artificial environment of the school cuts the student off from life situations: e.g., there is a definite lack of feeling of "at-oneness" with the outside social group
3 The deadening uniformity of institutional life tends to weaken initiative of the individuals within. The very numbers force treating "en masse." Competition in enrollment of colleges seems partly responsible.
4 The general lack of adaptability of subject matter, though here at Hampton a definite adjustment is being sought.
5 The "short cut" plan made possible by means of special courses for specific work, usually intent upon skill only. Our modern mechanism permits the average student, after a sufficient number of "lock-steps," to "arrive." "Getting by," though not listed in catalogues, is a course in which many become unusually skillful, through consistent use.
In college, what? From here, where? If 10 per cent of the world's population is doing 60 per cent of the world's work, something is wrong. Think of the loss of human happiness for want of the joy of "producing." If one-tenth of the population is responsible for the recent holocaust of the World War, how great is that responsibility? If the "students" dragged humanity off the road

[[obstructed text]]
The life which blindly I abuse, 
Then call it mean.

Oh, friend, who has when clouds are gray
As well as on the sunny day
A smile to give,
'Tis thou whom humbly I beseech,
And eagerly beg thee to teach
Me how to live

[[Top right column, text obstructed/folded]]
sixty. (It did.)
On Tuesday last left Jerry Chews. He confused Hampton's campus with Newport News.
Take heed of the fate of Castor Mochiel.
Castor two-stepped at a General Social.
From old to new with any shoe
Phone 222
Trade Class '09
Up-to-Date Shoe Repairing
Thos. Mann and Wilson, Student A[[obstructed text]]

8 S. Mallory Street

[[Bottom right corner mostly obstructed]]

Amble resourc
strict supervisio
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The Bank of Ha
The Oldest Bank on

[[fourth and final paper in stack]]
[[mostly obstructed text, bottom left]]
spirit muc
[[top right]]
cerning the other race
the notebooks of
this University
sors are un-
tes that

cepted as the most suitable, the following poem written by Mrs. Sarah C. Fernandis, '81. Some of the graduates who are musically inclined are trying to write a suitable tune for the accepted words.
Hampton: A Song of Service, Love and Loyalty
[[text obstructed]]
ton, a thought sent from
soul's inspiration arnest of broad
t's adora-