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Greensburg Green Co. Ky  Jany 27, 1866

Genl. C.B. Fisk Asst Coms

Dear Sir

Yours dated the 5th Inst & post marked 19th Inst, has just been received. In answer to your Enquiries I will say. I know of no outrages having been committed in my County by any of the Colored or freedmen since the month of April 1865. they have as far as I am advised behaved themselves well, and as a general thing the White people have treated the freed people much better than was first thought would be done. - indeed in many instances in a humane & Christian manner giving them help to start in the world. But I have to say that in many instances this has not been done, in some cases they have been ordered to leave, without means or [[?]], helpless women with many small children on their hands have to turn out to such shelter & employment the best they can. I am glad to say however that such cases are few - there has been some mistreatment of Colored men. Some of whom has been in the army & some who had not in some cases they have been beaten & threatened and in some cases refused the privilege of returning to their old homes to see their families. but I am grattified [[gratified]] to say that such acts are not numerous they are but few such, & in all such cases these acts of mistreatment come from that Class of person known as Southern rights & Southern Sympathizers. Many however of latter class have