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Superintendent Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Brownsville, Tenn., Jany 31st 1866

Bvt. Maj Genl C.B. Fisk

Dear Sir

Enclosed I send you the papers & coppy [[copy]] of a Settlement that  I made between one H U Cotter and Sundry Freedman who worked with him for & during the year 1865 and a Statement of the facts connected with the case In the fall Soon after my appointment as Supt for Haywood County Mr Cotter came to me & told me he had made a contract with his negroes & he did not believe they would get his crop geathered [[gathered]] by the 25" December & he should call on me to require them to remain after Christmas until they gathered the crop & prepar [[prepare]] it for market I know Mr Cotter will have known him as a master & really saw his motives I told him Mr Cotter that I did not believe he would have the right to hold them over in the year 1866 upon a contract made for the year 1865 but if he could show that his crop was left on the field by laseness & want of energy on their part Freedman he would be entitle to reduction of there wages but upon the contrary if they could show that he had converted their labor