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as it was all he would give them & as it was at that season of the year too late to plant any crops & there being no demand for labor the crops being over they were forced under the circumstances to sign the contract it offered in peferance to being turned out to starve & taking all these things into consideration I thought & believed the injustice was so greate towards the Freedman I disregarded the contract & allowed them wages & I believe it to be my duty to do and hope what I have done will meet your approval & if you think I have not allowed the Freedmen enought I hope you will make the correction   

That you may know something about Mr Cotter as a master for the last 30 years I beg leave to refer you to J N Howel Dr A Atson who has been his family physician to Mr WC Nixon Mr SR Wood & G.P. Ware of Memphis that have lived as his neighbors & now him as a master

R.C. Scott Supt
Haywood Co

NB The hands have made Mr Cotter at least $10000 & I have allowed them $692.03.