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Carthage Smith County Tenn. 
February 1st 1866

Brig. Genl Fisk
Nashville Tenn.

Dear Sir — I herewith enclose to you, a Report of My Work Since I have been appointed Agent for this County taken from my Books.

Not having received your "Manual" until within the last few days. — This Covers all contracts entered to this date. — by examination of which you will find a large portion of said Contracts are for a portion of the Crop — which I have invariably advised and encouraged  and not Money. — On the whole they have been satisfactory to the Employer and the Employee.

Your "Manual" I find has been generally complied with Section by section and Should it become necessary I will even canvass the County in the Spring — —. 

You will find 132 Contracts entered and a good many expected this Month, and I will try and conform to the regulations hereafter given in every particular.

I am happy to inform you that generally speaking there is a great desire with the Former Owners and Whites to give the Freedmen in My County fair and reasonable wages for their services. I am respectfully 

Your obt Servt 
J.M. Shoemake Agt