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[[9 Column Table]]
| No Con | Name of laborer | Hired to Name | Residence | for | As | To Begin | at |   |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | 
| 1 | Helen Hugles & 5 children | Nancy N. Jourdan | Smith County | 1866 | Cook | 1st Nov 1865 | Rations & Clothes & Doct| Bill for self & children | 
| 2 | Robert Hale | J.W. Denney | Smith County | 1866 | Farmer | 1st January 1866 | $7.00 per month | Bill for self & children | 
| 3 | William Wright | J.W. Denney | Smith County | 1866 | Vendor of Coffee? | 1st January 1866 | one Third of crop |   |
| 4 | Marth Fisher for her Daughter Harriett | William Shoemaker | Smith County | 1866 | nurse | 1st January 1866 | Rations & clothes and Doct Bill | | 
| 5 | Elexandrew Brown | Thomas Gosall | Smith County | 1866 | crop | 1st January 1866 | one third crop |   |
| 6 | Samuel Carter | Thomas Gosall | Smith County | 1866 | crop | 1st January 1866 | one third crop |   |
| 7 | John Bothe for his son John | William Freeman | Smith County | 1866 | Farmer | 1st January 1866 | $4.00 per month |   |
| 8 | Jos Cardwell for his son Jake | J.L. Cardwell | Smith County | 1866 | Housewater | 1st January 1866 | Rations & cloths | Medicall Attendance | 
| 9 | Milly McCatheran for her Daughter | C Crutchfield | Smith County | 1866 | House Girl | 1st January 1866 | Rations & Cloths | Medicall Attendance | 
| 10 | Phillip McClain | Marada Piper | Smith County | 1866 | Croper | 1st January 1866 | one half crop |   | 
| 11 | Elie Calhoon | NW Cage | Smith County | 1866 | Farmer | 1st January 1866 | $15.00 per month | Medicall attendance | 
| 12 | Cisk Apple | Martha Apple | Smith County | 1866 | Cook | 1st January 1866 | R & C & | Dr Bill | 
| 13 | Dolly Beasley | Jessey Beasley | Smith County | 1866 | Cook | 1st January 1866 | $1.00 pr month Rations & CLoth | Dr Bill | 
| 14 |  John Metlock | EH Haddock | Smith County | 1866 | Farmer | 1st January 1866 | $4.00 pr month Rations & Cloth | Dr Bill | 
| 15 | John W Williams | H Hackett | Smith County | 1866 | Farmer | 1st January 1866 | $3.75 per month Rations & Cloth | Dr Bill | 
| 16 | Casrell Rose | G.W. Rose | Smith County | 1866 | Farmer | 1st January 1866 | $8.50 per month Rations & Cloth | Dr Bill | 
| 17 | Edmond Tompkins | C Crutchfield | Smith County | 1866 | Croper | 1st January 1866 | one half crop |   | 
| 18 | Gloster Pharis | D Campbell | Smith County | 1866 | Croper | 1st January 1866 | one Third crop |   | 
| 19 | Charles Martin | JG Martin | Smith County | 1866 | Croper | 1st January 1866 | one half crop |   | 
| 20 | Joseph Payne | James Chambers | Smith County | 1866 | Croper | 1st January 1866 | one fifth crop |   | 
| 21 | Layben Haynie | Adline Haynie | Smith County | 1866 | Croper | 1st January 1866 | one half crop |   | 
| 22 | Dick Haynie | J.E. Royster | Smith County | 1866 | Farmer | 1st January 1866 | $1.50 per month R & C | & Dr Bill | 
| 23 | Sqire Whiteside | S.M. Fite | Smith County | 1866 | Farmer | 1st January 1866 | $7.16ā…“ per month R & C | & Dr Bill | 
| 24 | Parthena Bennett & 3 children | Mary Royster | Smith County | 1866 | Cook | 1st January 1866 | Rations & Cloths | Dr Bill | 
| 25 | Richard Calhoon | Hardy Calhoon | Smith County | 1866 | Croper | 1st January 1866 | one fourth crop & Rations |   |
| 26 | Mack Williams | J.C. Dickens | Smith County | 1866 | Croper | 1st January 1866 | one fourth crop |   | 
| 27 | John Rolls | July A Stow | Smith County | 1866 | Croper | 1st January 1866 | one half crop |   | 
| 28 | Sarah Haynie & 5 children | Smith County | 1866 | Cook | 1st January 1866 | R. & C. &. | Dr. Bill | 
| 29 | Louis Turner | AS Rolling | Smith County | 1866 | Farmer | 1st January 1866 | $5 per month |   | 
| 30 | Cane Barksdale | E.B. Barksdale | Smith County | 1866 | Croper | 1st January 1866 | one Third crop |   | 
| 31 | Josiah Smith | LH Squres | Smith County | 1866 | Croper | 1st January 1866 | one Third crop |   | 
| 32 | Sallie Bowles | ET Bowles | Smith County | 1866 | Cook | 1st January 1866 | 4.20 pr month |   | 
| 33 | Lawson Burford | Elisabeth Burford | Smith County | 1866 | Croper | 1st January 1866 | one Third crop |   | 
| 34 | Daniel Turner | James Culbreath | Smith County | 1866 | Croper | 1st January 1866 | one half crop |   | 
| 35 | Phena Russell | James Culbreath | Smith County | 1866 | Cook | 1st January 1866 | $2.68ā…” per month |   | 
| 36 | Jack Burford | R.A. Burford | Smith County | 1866 | Farmer | 1st January 1866 | $8.50 per month |   |
| 37 | Sarah Burford | R.A. Burford | Smith County | 1866 | Cook | 1st January 1866 | $1.75 per month Rations & Cloths |   | 
| 38 | Jak Burford | R.A. Burford | Smith County | 1866 | Farmer | 1st January 1866 | $12.50 per month |   |
| 39 | Wm Vaughn | Nancy Beasley | Smith County | 1866 | Farmer | 1st January 1866 | one Third crop |   | 
| 40 | John Chamber | B.F. Chamber | Smith County | 1866 | Farmer | 1st January 1866 | $4.20 per month Cloths | Dr. Bill | 
| 41 | Raena Chamber | B.F. Chamber | Smith County | 1866 | Cook | 1st January 1866 | $2.50 per month Cloth | Dr. Bill | 
| 42 | Albert Young | D.H. Beasley | Smith County | 1866 | Crop | 1st January 1866 | one fourth crop |   | 
| 43 | Jacob Haynie | G. Ferguson | Smith County | 1866 | Crop | 1st January 1866 | on half crop |   | 
| 44 | Isham Martin | J.R. Martin | Smith County | 1866 | Farmer | 1st January 1866 | $2.50 per month | Dr Bill | 
| 45 | Mary Slaughter for her son | J.M. Squires | Smith County | 1866 | croper | 1st January 1866 | one fourth |   | 

Transcription Notes:
Command F for questionmark. ?