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[[9 Column Table]]
| No Con | Name of laborer | Hired to Name | Residence | for | As | To Begin | at |   |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| 68 | Moses Cosby | John O. Cosby | Smith County | 1866 | croper | 1st January 1866 | one half crop |   | 
| 69 | Thomas Payne | John O. Cosby | Smith County | 1866 | croper | 1st January 1866 | one half crop |   | 
| 70 | Thomas Key | John O. Cosby | Smith County | 1866 | croper | 1st January 1866 | one sixth crop with Ration for family |   | 
| 71 | Martha Corley for her son John | Isaac Jones | Smith County | 1866 | Farmer | 1st January 1866 | $4.58 per month |   | 
| 72 | Alfred Rucks | H.T. Rucks | Smith County | 1866 | croper | 1st January 1866 | one half crop |   | 
| 73 | Plesant Turner | Nancy Turner | Smith County | 1866 | croper | 1st January 1866 | one half crop |   | 
| 74 | Tim Alexander | John R. Wright | Smith County | 1866 | Farmer | 1st January 1866 | Rations & Clothes & $3.33ā…“ per month |   | 
| 75 | David Nixon for his Daughter | W.B. Davis | Smith County | 1866 | nurse | 1st January 1866 | $3.33ā…“ per month |   | 
| 76 | Benj Brim | John Gregory | Smith County | 1866 | croper | 1st January 1866 | one half crop | 
| 77 | Francis Curry | David Stanford | Smith County | 1866 | croper | 1st January 1866 | one Third crop |   | 
| 78 | Isaac Ballard | Tim Cooper | Smith County | 1866 | croper | 1st January 1866 | one Third crop |   | 
| 79 | William Armstead | F. Armstead | Smith County | 1866 | croper | 1st January 1866 | one fourth crop |   | 
| 80 | John Stott | Wm A. Stott | Smith County | 1866 | croper | 1st January 1866 | one half crop |   | 
| 81 | Martin Hunter | Jame Cook | Smith County | 1866 | croper | 1st January 1866 | one third crop |   | 
| 82 | Jane Stone | Stephen Stone | Smith County | 1866 | Cook | 1st January 1866 | Rations & Cloths & one & half acres of land |   |
| 83 | Mely Barksdale & 3 children | Stephen Stone | Smith County | 1866 | Cook | 1st January 1866 | Rations & Cloths & one & half acres of land |   |
| 84 | Phillip Woods | Stephen Stone | Smith County | 1866 | croper | 1st January 1866 | Third Crop |   | 
| 85 | Isaac Duncan | R.H. Roger | Smith County | 1866 | croper | 1st January 1866 | one half crop |   | 
| 86 | Mariah Martin | John T Martin | Smith County | 1866 | Cook | 1st January 1866 | Rations & Clothes | Dr. Bills &c | 
| 87 | Lucasa Martin & 3 children | John T Martin | Smith County | 1866 | Cook | 1st January 1866 | Rations & Clothes | Dr. Bills &c | 
| 88 | Mary Payne & 1 children | John Payne | Smith County | 1866 | Cook | 1st January 1866 | Rations & Cloths & $1.80 pr month |   | 
| 89 | Martin Young | J.H. Young | Smith County | 1866 | Farmer | 1st January 1866 | $12.50 cts per month |   | 
| 90 | William Payne | Elisebeath Hanse | Smith County | 1866 | croper | 1st January 1866 | one third crop |   | 
| 91 | Andy Richardson | John Richardson | Smith County | 1866 | croper | 1st January 1866 | one fourth crop | With bond, 2 hands | 
| 92 | Jackson Cornwell | John Richardson | Smith County | 1866 | croper | 1st January 1866 | one half crop |   | 
| 93 | John Gosall | James M. Lynk | Smith County | 1866 | croper | 1st January 1866 | one fourth crop |   | 
| 94 | Bob Ward for his son Sam | John Hale | Smith County | 1866 | Farmer | 1st January 1866 | $3.50 cts. per month |   | 
| 95 | Rufus Hale | A.J. Stuart | Smith County | 1866 | Farmer | 1st January 1866 | $8 per month |   | 
| 96 | Joseph Headsprith | R.V. Flippin | Smith County | 1866 | Farmer | 1st January 1866 | $10 per month |   | 
| 97 | George Williams | R.V. Flippin | Smith County | 1866 | Farmer | 1st January 1866 | $10 per month |   | 
| 98 | Daniel Mace | Planice Mace | Smith County | 1866 | croper | 1st January 1866 | one half crop |   | 
| 99 | Henry Vaughn} |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
| 99 | Nelson Vaughn} | J.H. Vaughn | Smith County | 1866 | croper | 1st January 1866 | one half crop |   | 
| 99 | Washington Vaughn |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
| 100 | John Burford | J.H. Vaughn | Smith County | 1866 | croper | 1st January 1866 | one fourth crop |   | 
| 101 | Neal Vaughn} |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
| 101 | Cooper Bridgewater} | J.H. Vaughn | Smith County | 1866 | croper | 1st January 1866 | one half crop |   | 
| 102 | Starling Stephenson | J. Willson | Smith County | 1866 | croper | 1st January 1866 | one fourth crop |   | 
| 103 | Thomas Haley | J. Willson | Smith County | 1866 | Farmer | 1st January 1866 | $6.75 per month |   |