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or two liittle  I have done all I could for the Freedmen settled their disputes paid their doctors bills wrote out all contracts that was called for or anything that I was called on to do I never have had five dollars all together from the Freedmen but I have spent more than Two hundred dollars with the small pox caught it myself gave it to my family and have lost a fine little daughter 5 years old  I feel hurt to think that I have sacrificed my child two hundred dollars and two months time with the small pox and get no help from any source, the County court appointed three commissioners [crossed out] to draw [/crossed out] to draw money from the Trustee but they would not except - there is no help now for three months and we may be all dead by that time  I had a great mind to arrest the commissioners that was appointed and send them to you  their excuse was that they was not agoing to have the citizens think hard of them; but I wrote to you last week about it  I await your order

Your Obedient Servant
Geo M Stewart
Supt for Stewart County