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The other sons Jno L. & Wm P. Blair were never in the confederate army, nor am I sure that they did anything or act rightly to subject their interest in their father's estate to confiscation. Wm P Blair resides seventy miles from this place & of him I cannot speak with personal knowledge. Jno L. resides in the town, & I know him to have been a quiet & silent citizen during the whole war. His sentiments I believe were in harmony with the confederate cause, but I am not aware that he went further. Another son, Andrew Blair, was a postmaster in the train during the time of the confederacy. I believe he was not in the army. 
These are the facts about the property strictly correct as I believe The interest of the three females & of the two sons not in the army, or in the service of the confederacy in any way I presume would not be subject to the seizure &c of the deceased. Mr Blair left no property of any value except this hotel, and from the rent alone does the widow & her widow daughter derive support. 
Again I believe Mr Blairs creditors are endeavoring to sale the property, or at least a portion of it. I am not aware of what is you power as to releasing property of this kind. I presume it belongs to